

Yes, said the king, if you can cross the mountain without falling, you shall have her. And the princess said she would go over it with him, and would hold him if he were about to fall. So they set out together to go over it, and when they were half way up the princess slipped and fell, and the glass mountain opened and shut her up inside it, and her betrothed could not see where she had gone, for the mountain closed immediately. Then he wept and lamented much, and the king was miserable too, and ordered the mountain to be broken open where she had been lost, and thought he would be able to get her out again, but they could not find the place into which she had fallen.

Meanwhile the king's daughter had fallen quite deep down into the earth into a great cave. An old fellow with a very long gray beard came to meet her, and told her that if she would be his servant and do everything he bade her, she might live, if not he would kill her. So she did all he bade her. In the mornings he took his ladder out of his pocket, and set it up against the mountain and climbed to the top by its help, and then he drew the ladder after him. The princess had to cook his dinner, make his bed, and do all his work, and when he came home again he always brought with him a heap of gold and silver. When she had lived with him for many years, and had grown quite old, he called her mother mansrot, and she had to call him old rinkrank. Then once when he was out, and she had made his bed and washed his dishes, she shut the doors and windows all fast, and there was one little window through which the light shone in, and this she left open.

When old rinkrank came home, he knocked at his door, and cried, mother mansrot, open the door for me. No, said she, old rinkrank, I will not open the door for you. Then he said, here stand I, poor rinkrank, on my seventeen long shanks, on my weary, worn-out foot, wash my dishes, mother mansrot.

I have washed your dishes already, said she. Then again he said, here stand I, poor rinkrank, on my seventeen long shanks, on my weary, worn-out foot, make my bed, mother mansrot.

I have made your bed already, said she. Then again he said, here stand I, poor rinkrank, on my seventeen long shanks, on my weary, worn-out foot, open the door, mother mansrot.

Then he ran all round his house, and saw that the little window was open, and thought, I will look in and see what she can be about, and why she will not open the door for me. He tried to peep in, but could not get his head through because of his long beard.

So he first put his beard through the open window, but just as he had got it through, mother mansrot came by and pulled the window down with a cord which she had tied to it, and his beard was shut fast in it. Then he began to cry most piteously, for it hurt him very much, and to entreat her to release him again. But she said not until he gave her the ladder with which he ascended the mountain. Then, whether he would or not, he had to tell her where the ladder was. And she fastened a very long ribbon to the window, and then she set up the ladder, and ascended the mountain, and when she was at the top of it she opened the window. She went to her father, and told him all that had happened to her. The king rejoiced greatly, and her betrothed was still there, and they went and dug up the mountain, and found old rinkrank inside it with all his gold and silver. Then the king had old rinkrank put to death, and took all his gold and silver. The princess married her betrothed, and lived right happily in great magnificence and joy.

There was once an enchantress, who had three sons who loved each other as brothers, but the old woman did not trust them, and thought they wanted to steal her power from her. So she changed the eldest into an eagle, which was forced to dwell in the rocky mountains, and was often seen flying in great circles in the sky.

The second, she changed into a whale, which lived in the deep sea, and all that was seen of it was that it sometimes spouted up a great jet of water in the air. Each of them bore his human form for only two hours daily. The third son, who was afraid she might change him into a raging wild beast - a bear perhaps, or a wolf, went secretly away. He had heard that a king's daughter who was bewitched, was imprisoned in the castle of the golden sun, and was waiting to be set free. Those, however, who tried to free her risked their lives. Three-and-twenty youths had already died a miserable death, and now only one other might make the attempt, after which no more must come. And as his heart was without fear, he made up his mind to seek out the castle of the golden sun. He had already traveled about for a long time without being able to find it, when he came by chance into a great forest, and did not know the way out of it. All at once he saw in the distance two giants, who made a sign to him with their hands, and when he came to them they said, we are quarreling about a cap, and which of us it is to belong to, and as we are equally strong, neither of us can get the better of the other. The small men are cleverer than we are, so we will leave the decision to you. How can you dispute about an old cap, said the youth. You do not know what properties it has. It is a wishing-cap, whosoever puts it on, can wish himself away wherever he likes, and in an instant he will be there. Give me the cap, said the youth, I will go a short distance off, and when I call you, you must run a race, and the cap shall belong to the one who gets first to me. He put it on and went away, and thought of the king's daughter, forgot the giants, and walked continually onward. At length he sighed from the very bottom of his heart, and cried, ah, if I were but at the castle of the golden sun. And hardly had the words passed his lips than he was standing on a high mountain before the gate of the castle.

  • 愿丰堂漫书


  • 四分律删繁补阙行事钞


  • 佛说八大菩萨曼荼罗经


  • 佛说常瞿利毒女陀罗尼咒经


  • 佛说尊那经


  • 谍影重重


  • 侯门医女之相夫教子记


  • 成功三部曲


  • 云倦彼相思


  • 潜行者:关于电影的终极之旅


  • 重生逆天废材妃


  • 肇论略注


  • 纵宠,妖狐逆天


  • 四重音


  • 安武林的阅读成长书(套装共6册)

