

The peasant had one day been working in his field, and as twilight had set in, was making ready for the journey home, when he saw a heap of burning coals in the middle of his field, and when, full of astonishment, he went up to it, a little black devil was sitting on the live coals. Are you sitting upon a treasure, said the peasant. Yes, in truth, replied the devil, on a treasure which contains more gold and silver than you have ever seen in your life. The treasure lies in my field and belongs to me, said the peasant. It is yours, answered the devil, if you will for two years give me one half of everything your field produces.

Money I have enough, but I have a desire for the fruits of the earth. The peasant agreed to the bargain. In order, however, that no dispute may arise about the division, said he, everything that is above ground shall belong to you, and what is under the earth to me. The devil was quite satisfied with that, but the cunning peasant had sown turnips.

Now when the time for harvest came, the devil appeared and wanted to take away his crop. But he found nothing but the yellow withered leaves, while the peasant, full of delight, was digging up his turnips. You have had the best of it for once, said the devil, but the next time that won't do. What grows above ground shall be yours, and what is under it, mine. I am willing, replied the peasant. But when the time came to sow, he did not again sow turnips, but wheat. The grain became ripe, and the peasant went into the field and cut the full stalks down to the ground. When the devil came, he found nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a cleft in the rocks. That is the way to cheat the devil, said the peasant, and went and fetched away the treasure.

George one day said to his little chickens, come into the parlor and enjoy yourselves, and pick up the bread-crumbs on the table. Your mistress has gone out to pay some visits.

Then the chickens said, no, no, we will not go. If the mistress gets to know it, she will beat us. George said, she will know nothing about it. So come. After all, she never gives you anything good. Then the chickens again said, nay, nay, we must let it alone. We must not go. But george let them have no peace until at last they went, and got on the table, and ate up the bread-crumbs with all their might. But at that very moment the mistress came, and seized the stick in great haste, and beat them and treated them very harshly. And when they were outside the house, the chickens said to george, do, do, do, do, do, you see. Then george laughed and said, didn't, didn't, didn't, I expect it. So they just had to run away.

A rich farmer was one day standing in his yard inspecting his fields and gardens. The corn was growing up vigorously and the fruit-trees were heavily laden with fruit. The grain of the year before still lay in such immense heaps in the loft that the rafters could hardly bear it. Then he went into the stable, where were well-fed oxen, fat cows, and horses bright as looking-glass. At length he went back into his sitting-room, and cast a glance at the iron chest in which his money lay.

Whilst he was thus standing surveying his riches, all at once there was a loud knock close by him. The knock was not at the door of his room, but at the door of his heart. It opened, and he heard a voice which said to him, have you done good to your family with it. Have you considered the necessities of the poor. Have you shared your bread with the hungry. Have you been contented with what you have, or did you always desire to have more. The heart was not slow in answering, I have been hard and pitiless, and have never shown any kindness to my own family. If a beggar came, Iturned away my eyes from him. I have not troubled myself about God, but have thought only of increasing my wealth. If everything which the sky covers had been mine own, I should still not have had enough.

When he was aware of this answer he was greatly alarmed, his knees began to tremble, and he was forced to sit down.

Then there was another knock, but the knock was at the door of his room. It was his neighbor, a poor man who had a number of children whom he could no longer satisfy with food. I know, thought the poor man, that my neighbor is rich, but he is as hard as he is rich. I don't believe he will help me, but my children are crying for bread, so I will venture it. He said to the rich man, you do not readily give away anything that is yours, but I stand here like one who feels the water rising above his head. My children are starving, lend me four measures of corn. The rich man looked at him long, and then the first sunbeam of mercy began to melt away a drop of the ice of greediness. I will not lend you four measures, he answered. I will make you a present of eight, but you must fulfil one condition. What am I to do, said the poor man. When I am dead, you shall watch for three nights by my grave. The peasant was disturbed in his mind at this request, but in the need in which he was, he would have consented to anything.

He accepted, therefore, and carried the corn home with him.

It seemed as if the rich man had foreseen what was about to happen, for when three days were gone by, he suddenly dropped down dead.

No one knew exactly how it came to pass, but no one grieved for him.

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