

When he was buried, the poor man remembered his promise. He would willingly have been released from it, but he thought, after all, he acted kindly by me. I have fed my hungry children with his corn, and even if that were not the case, where I have once given my promise I must keep it. At nightfall he went into the churchyard, and seated himself on the grave-mound. Everything was quiet, only the moon appeared above the grave, and frequently an owl flew past and uttered her melancholy cry. When the sun rose, the poor man betook himself in safety to his home, and in the same manner the second night passed quietly by. On the evening of the third day he felt a strange uneasiness, it seemed to him that something was about to happen. When he went out he saw, by the churchyard-wall, a man whom he had never seen before. He was no longer young, had scars on his face, and his eyes looked sharply and eagerly around. He was entirely covered with an old cloak, and nothing was visible but his great riding-boots. What are you looking for here, the peasant asked. Are you not afraid of the lonely churchyard.

I am looking for nothing, he answered, and I am afraid of nothing. I am like the youngster who went forth to learn how to shudder, and had his labor for his pains, but got the king's daughter to wife and great wealth with her, only I have remained poor. I am nothing but a paid-off soldier, and I mean to pass the night here, because I have no other shelter. If you are without fear, said the peasant, stay with me, and help me to watch that grave there.

To keep watch is a soldier's business, he replied, whatever we fall in with here, whether it be good or bad, we will share it between us. The peasant agreed to this, and they seated themselves on the grave together.

All was quiet until midnight, when suddenly a shrill whistling was heard in the air, and the two watchers perceived the evil one standing bodily before them. Be off, you scoundrels, cried he to them, the man who lies in that grave belongs to me. I want to take him, and if you don't go away I will wring your necks. Sir with the red feather, said the soldier, you are not my captain, I have no need to obey you, and I have not yet learned what fear is. Go away, we shall stay sitting here.

The devil thought to himself, money is the best means with which to lay hold of these two vagabonds. So he began to play a softer tune, and asked quite kindly, if they would not accept a bag of money, and go home with it. That is worth listening to, answered the soldier, but one bag of gold won't serve us. If you will give as much as will go into one of my boots, we will quit the field for you and go away.

I have not so much as that about me, said the devil, but I will fetch it. In the neighboring town lives a money-changer who is a good friend of mine, and will readily advance it to me. When the devil had vanished the soldier took his left boot off, and said, we will soon pull the charcoal-burner's nose for him, just give me your knife, comrade. He cut the sole off the boot, and put it in the high grass near the grave on the edge of a hole that was half over-grown. That will do, said he. Now the chimney-sweep may come.

They both sat down and waited, and it was not long before the devil returned with a small bag of gold in his hand. Just pour it in, said the soldier, raising up the boot a little, but that won't be enough.

The black one shook out all that was in the bag. The gold fell through, and the boot remained empty. Stupid devil, cried the soldier, it won't do. Didn't I say so at once. Go back again, and bring more. The devil shook his head, went, and in an hour's time came with a much larger bag under his arm. Now pour it in, cried the soldier, but I doubt the boot will be full. The gold clinked as it fell, but the boot remained empty. The devil looked in himself with his burning eyes, and convinced himself of the truth. You have shamefully big calves to your legs, cried he, and made a wry face. Did you think, replied the soldier, that I had a cloven foot like you. Since when have you been so stingy. See that you get more gold together, or our bargain will come to nothing. The wicked one went off again. This time he stayed away longer, and when at length he appeared he was panting under the weight of a sack which lay on his shoulders. He emptied it into the boot, which was just as far from being filled as before. He became furious, and was just going to tear the boot out of the soldier's hands, but at that moment the first ray of the rising sun broke forth from the sky, and the evil spirit fled away with loud shrieks. The poor soul was saved.

The peasant wished to divide the gold, but the soldier said, give what falls to my lot to the poor, I will come with you to your cottage, and together we will live in rest and peace on what remains, as long as God is pleased to permit.

A soldier who is afraid of nothing, troubles himself about nothing. One of this kind had received his discharge, and as he had learnt no trade and could earn nothing, he traveled about and begged alms of kind people. He had an old rain-coat on his back, and a pair of riding-boots of buffalo-leather which were still left to him. One day he was walking he knew not where, straight out into the open country, and at length came to a forest.

  • 生生亭




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