

Then they were going to bury her, but she still looked as if she were living, and still had her pretty red cheeks. They said, we could not bury her in the dark ground, and they had a transparent coffin of glass made, so that she could be seen from all sides, and they laid her in it, and wrote her name upon it in golden letters, and that she was a king's daughter. Then they put the coffin out upon the mountain, and one of them always stayed by it and watched it. And birds came too, and wept for snow-white, first an owl, then a raven, and last a dove.

And now snow-white lay a long, long time in the coffin, and she did not change, but looked as if she were asleep, for she was as white as snow, as red as blood, and her hair was as black as ebony.

It happened, however, that a king's son came into the forest, and went to the dwarfs, house to spend the night. He saw the coffin on the mountain, and the beautiful snow-white within it, and read what was written upon it in golden letters. Then he said to the dwarfs, let me have the coffin, I will give you whatever you want for it. But the dwarfs answered, we will not part with it for all the gold in the world. Then he said, let me have it as a gift, for I cannot live without seeing snow-white. I will honor and prize her as my dearest possession. As he spoke in this way the good dwarfs took pity upon him, and gave him the coffin.

And now the king's son had it carried away by his servants on their shoulders. And it happened that they stumbled over a tree-stump, and with the shock the poisonous piece of apple which snow-white had bitten off came out of her throat. And before long she opened her eyes, lifted up the lid of the coffin, sat up, and was once more alive. Oh, heavens, where am I, she cried. The king's son, full of joy, said, you are with me. And told her what had happened, and said, I love you more than everything in the world, come with me to my father's palace, you shall be my wife.

And snow-white was willing, and went with him, and their wedding was held with great show and splendor. But snow-white's wicked step-mother was also bidden to the feast. When she had arrayed herself in beautiful clothes she went before the looking-glass, and said, looking-glass, looking-glass, on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all.

The glass answered, oh, queen, of all here the fairest art thou, but the young queen is fairer by far as I trow.

Then the wicked woman uttered a curse, and was so wretched, so utterly wretched that she knew not what to do. At first she would not go to the wedding at all, but she had no peace, and had to go to see the young queen. And when she went in she recognized snow-white, and she stood still with rage and fear, and could not stir. But iron slippers had already been put upon the fire, and they were brought in with tongs, and set before her. Then she was forced to put on the red-hot shoes, and dance until she dropped down dead.

There were once three brothers who had fallen deeper and deeper into poverty, and at last their need was so great that they had to endure hunger, and had nothing to eat or drink. Then said they, it cannot go on like this, we had better go into the world and seek our fortune.

They therefore set out, and had already walked over many a long road and many a blade of grass, but had not yet met with good luck. One day they arrived in a great forest, and in the midst of it was a hill, and when they came nearer they saw that the hill was all silver. Then spoke the eldest, now I have found the good luck Iwished for, and I desire nothing more. He took as much of the silver as he could possibly carry, and then turned back and went home again.

But the two others said, we want something more from good luck than mere silver, and did not touch it, but went onwards. After they had walked for two days longer without stopping, they came to a hill which was all gold. The second brother stopped, took thought with himself, and was undecided. What shall I do, said he, shall I take for myself so much of this gold, that I have sufficient for all the rest of my life, or shall I go farther. At length he made a decision, and putting as much into his pockets as would go in, said farewell to his brother, and went home.

But the third said, silver and gold do not move me, I will not renounce my chance of fortune, perhaps something better still will be given me. He journeyed onwards, and when he had walked for three days, he came to a forest which was still larger than the one before, and never would come to an end, and as he found nothing to eat or to drink, he was all but exhausted. Then he climbed up a high tree to find out if up there he could see the end of the forest, but so far as his eye could pierce he saw nothing but the tops of trees. Then he began to descend the tree again, but hunger tormented him, and he thought to himself, if I could but eat my fill once more.

When he got down he saw with astonishment a table beneath the tree richly spread with food, the steam of which rose up to meet him.

This time, said he, my wish has been fulfilled at the right moment.

And without inquiring who had brought the food, or who had cooked it, he approached the table, and ate with enjoyment until he had appeased his hunger. When he was done, he thought, it would after all be a pity if the pretty little table-cloth were to be spoilt in the forest here, and folded it up tidily and put it in his pocket. Then he went onwards, and in the evening, when hunger once more returned to him, he wanted to make a trial of his little cloth, and spread it out and said, I wish you to be covered with good cheer again, and scarcely had the wish crossed his lips than as many dishes with the most exquisite food on them stood on the table as there was room for. Now I perceive, said he, in what kitchen my cooking is done. You shall be dearer to me than the mountains of silver and gold. For he saw plainly that it was a wishing-cloth. The cloth, however, was still not enough to enable him to sit down quietly at home, he preferred to wander about the world and pursue his fortune farther.

  • 穿越时空之旅途


  • 个性的树立(大智慧成功方案教程)


  • 听李敖讲学问


  • 王者攻略:影帝是个坑


  • 人间蒸发


    (Rawson,1906—1971)克雷顿·罗森堪称不可能犯罪故事的大师,他在舞台表演戏法为职,说得更精确些,罗森是位魔术师,而且后来还写了一系列以梅林尼(Merlini)为主角的小说和短篇故事。梅林尼是魔术家,常被警方找去帮忙解决罕见的命案。该系列首部作品《飞出礼帽之死》(Death froma TopHat,1938)被拍成电影《出售奇迹》(Miracles for Sale,1939),描述一连串涉及魔术的犯罪事件。罗森因为这部小说而展开作家及编辑的第二个职业生涯。罗森和约翰·狄克逊·卡尔很喜欢挑战彼此的创作功力。
  • 火影之神格在手


  • 二重犯


  • 我曾爱你到无路可退


  • 鼎铭


  • 孙子批注

