

When he came home with his wealth his brothers were astonished, and the second said, well, I will go forth and see whether I cannot get rid of my scythe as profitably. But it did not look as if he would, for laborers met him everywhere, and they had scythes upon their shoulders as well as he.

At last, however, he chanced upon an island where the people knew nothing of scythes. When the corn was ripe there, they took cannon out to the fields and shot it down. Now this was rather an uncertain affair, many shot right over it, others hit the ears instead of the stems, and shot them away, whereby much was lost, and besides all this, it made a terrible noise. So the man set to work and mowed it down so quietly and quickly that the people opened their mouths with astonishment. They agreed to give him what he wanted for the scythe, and he received a horse laden with as much gold as it could carry.

And now the third brother wanted to take his cat to the right man. He fared just like the others, so long as he stayed on the mainland there was nothing to be done. Every place had cats, and there were so many of them that new-born kittens were generally drowned in the ponds.

At last he sailed over to an island, and it luckily happened that no cats had ever yet been seen there, and that the mice had got the upper hand so much that they danced upon the tables and benches whether the master were at home or not. The people complained bitterly of the plague, the king himself in his palace did not know how to protect himself against them, mice squeaked in every corner, and gnawed whatever they could lay hold of with their teeth.

But now the cat began her chase, and soon cleared a couple of rooms, and the people begged the king to buy the wonderful beast for the country. The king willingly gave what was asked, which was a mule laden with gold, and the third brother came home with the greatest treasure of all.

The cat made herself merry with the mice in the royal palace, and killed so many that they could not be counted. At last she grew warm with the work and thirsty, so she stood still, lifted up her head and cried, mew. Mew.

When they heard this strange cry, the king and all his people were frightened, and in their terror ran all at once out of the palace.

Then the king took counsel what was best to be done, at last it was determined to send a herald to the cat, and demand that she should leave the palace, or if not, she was to expect that force would be used against her. The councillors said, rather will we let ourselves be plagued with the mice, for to that misfortune we are accustomed, than give up our lives to such a monster as this. A noble youth, therefore, was sent to ask the cat whether she would peaceably quit the castle. But the cat, whose thirst had become still greater, merely answered, mew. Mew. The youth understood her to say, "Most certainly not. Most certainly not." And took this answer to the king.

Then, said the councillors, she shall yield to force. Cannon were brought out, and the palace was soon in flames. When the fire reached the room where the cat was sitting, she sprang safely out of the window, but the besiegers did not leave off until the whole palace was shot down to the ground.

There was once a man who understood all kinds of arts. He served in war, and behaved well and bravely, but when the war was over he received his dismissal, and three farthings for his expenses on the way. Wait, said he, I shall not be content with this. If I can only meet with the right people, the king will yet have to give me all the treasure of the country.

Then full of anger he went into the forest, and saw a man standing therein who had plucked up six trees as if they were blades of corn.

He said to him, will you be my servant and go with me. Yes, he answered, but, first, I will take this little bundle of sticks home to my mother, and he took one of the trees, and wrapped it round the five others, lifted the bundle on his back, and carried it away. Then he returned and went with his master, who said, we two ought to be able to get through the world very well, and when they had walked on for a short while they found a huntsman who was kneeling, had shouldered his gun, and was about to fire. The master said to him, huntsman, what are you going to shoot. He answered, two miles from here a fly is sitting on the branch of an oak-tree, and I want to shoot its left eye out.

Oh, come with me, said the man, if we three are together, we certainly ought to be able to get on in the world. The huntsman was ready, and went with him, and they came to seven windmills whose sails were turning round with great speed, and yet no wind was blowing either on the right or the left, and no leaf was stirring.

Then said the man, I know not what is driving the windmills, not a breath of air is stirring, and he went onwards with his servants, and when they had walked two miles they saw a man sitting on a tree who was shutting one nostril, and blowing out of the other. Good gracious. What are you doing up there.

He answered, two miles from here are seven windmills. Look, I am blowing them till they turn round. Oh, come with me, said the man.

If we four are together, we shall carry the whole world before us.

Then the blower came down and went with him, and after a while they saw a man who was standing on one leg and had taken off the other, and laid it beside him. Then the master said, you have arranged things very comfortably to have a rest.

I am a runner, he replied, and to stop myself running far too fast, Ihave taken off one of my legs, for if I run with both, I go quicker than any bird can fly. Oh, go with me. If we five are together, we shall carry the whole world before us.

  • English Stories Scotland

    English Stories Scotland

  • 六十种曲赠书记


  • 杨氏字辈


  • 番禺杂记




  • Ragged Lady

    Ragged Lady

  • 一切始于这七大空间


  • 国手(中篇小说)


  • 焚天剑


  • 铁岭县志


  • 解放生命


    国已经进入“银发时代”,这为经济发展的新常态平添了老龄化的新变量。养老问题涉及社会发展方方面面,本书从生命信托的理论创新和业务实践两方面进行了探索。 从当下中国养老的混沌现实出发,本书对信托与生命的契合性、生命的信托本质、养老信托存在的法理基础、发展的市场需求等进行了逻辑探微和客观分析,在深入研究中国现实国情和制度基础的前提下,作者以崭新的视角,宏观的视野,在两大层面进行了原创性的理论创新,深入探寻养老问题全新解决模式和发展路径。
  • 末日不正经


  • 嫡女妖娆:重生之天才皇妃


  • 鬼帝宠妃,废材嫡小姐


  • 地外文明:追踪外星生命

