It is consoling as often as dismaying to find in what seems acataclysmal tide of a certain direction a strong drift to theopposite quarter.It is so divinable, if not so perceptible,that its presence may usually be recognized as a beginning of theturn in every tide which is sure, sooner or later, to come.Inreform, it is the menace of reaction; in reaction, it is thepromise of reform; we may take heart as we must lose heart fromit.Afew years ago, when a movement which carried fiction tothehighest place in literature was apparently of such onwardand upward sweep that there could be no return or descent, therewasa counter-current in it which stayed it at last, and pulledit backto that lamentable level where fiction is now sunk, andthe word "novel" is again the synonym of all that is morallyfalse andmentally despicable.Yet that this, too, is partlyapparent, Ithink can be shown from some phases of actualfiction whichhappen to be its very latest phases, and which areof a significanceas hopeful as it is interesting.Quite assurely as romanticismlurked at the heart of realism, somethingthat we may call"psychologism" has been present in theromanticism of the lastfour or five years, and has now begun toevolve itself in examples which it is the pleasure as well as theduty of criticism to deal with.
印度2011年最畅销小说。是作者在96岁高龄写下的最后一本小说。小说描写了三位宗教信仰各异(一个伊斯兰教,一个锡克教徒,一个婆罗门)的耄耋老人相交四十年来的友谊。他们每天傍晚公园里的长椅上聚会、聊天(由此而得名“日落俱乐部”),虽然宗教信仰不同,爱好不同,出身不同,母语不同,人生轨迹不同,但这些差异恰好折射出这三位老人在漫长人生经历中收获的不一样的生活的智慧。对各自的爱情、家庭,对印度这个历史悠久文化积淀深厚的国家的过去与现状有着独到和宏阔的见解,特别是三个男人年轻时的私生活,热烈、大胆。读者既能从作者深厚的文学功底中品尝到优美风趣的文字、诗歌,也能对当代印度的市民生活有全新的探索。The Cruise of the Dolphin