第一次见面,穆沂倾看着眼前的血人,直接说:“我救你,你给我当小弟。”然后,她将人救了拿了人家的玉佩不知所踪。第二次见面,穆沂倾钻到人家的车里,道:“你把我带进去那里,我送你一颗七品丹药。”完了又将人丢到一边不知所踪。第三次见面,穆沂倾想……好吧,她不用想了,那个男人将她五花大绑了。她看着眼前越来越危险的男人,作死的来了一句:“你嫁人了没,没的话嫁我吧!”眼前男人淡定的脸色裂了一条缝,殊不知,穆沂倾也在心里大骂:“未昃你个坑主人的,我恨你!”Bad Girl
Ricardo Somocurcio is in love with a bad girl. He loves her as a teenager known as 'Lily' in Lima in 1950, where she claims to be from Chile but vanishes the moment her claim is exposed as fiction. He loves her next in Paris as 'Comrade Arlette', an activist en route to Cuba, an icy, remote lover who denies knowing anything about the Lily of years gone by. Whoever the bad girl turns up as and however poorly she treats him, Ricardo is doomed to worship her. Gifted liar and irresistible, maddening muse-does Ricardo ever know who she really is?独立(青少年成长智慧丛书)