

He shook hands with them absently and led the way towards the house. He was scarcely conscious of the polite words of welcome he greeted the strangers with, and afterwards repeated several times over again in his efforts to appear at ease. The agitation of their host did not escape the officer's eyes, and the chief confided to his subordinate, in a low voice, his doubts as to Almayer's sobriety. The young sub-lieutenant laughed and expressed in a whisper the hope that the white man was not intoxicated enough to neglect the offer of some refreshments.

"He does not seem very dangerous," he added, as they followed Almayer up the steps of the verandah.

"No, he seems more of a fool than a knave; I have heard of him,"returned the senior.

They sat around the table. Almayer with shaking hands made gin cocktails, offered them all round, and drank himself, with every gulp feeling stronger, steadier, and better able to face all the difficulties of his position. Ignorant of the fate of the brig he did not suspect the real object of the officer's visit. He had a general notion that something must have leaked out about the gunpowder trade, but apprehended nothing beyond some temporary inconveniences. After emptying his glass he began to chat easily, lying back in his chair with one of his legs thrown negligently over the arm. The lieutenant astride on his chair, a glowing cheroot in the corner of his mouth, listened with a sly smile from behind the thick volumes of smoke that escaped from his compressed lips. The young sub-lieutenant, leaning with both elbows on the table, his head between his hands, looked on sleepily in the torpor induced by fatigue and the gin. Almayer talked on--"It is a great pleasure to see white faces here. I have lived here many years in great solitude. The Malays, you understand, are not company for a white man; moreover they are not friendly;they do not understand our ways. Great rascals they are.


believe I am the only white man on the east coast that is a settled resident. We get visitors from Macassar or Singapore sometimes--traders, agents, or explorers, but they are rare.

There was a scientific explorer here a year or more ago. He lived in my house: drank from morning to night. He lived joyously for a few months, and when the liquor he brought with him was gone he returned to Batavia with a report on the mineral wealth of the interior. Ha, ha, ha! Good, is it not?"He ceased abruptly and looked at his guests with a meaningless stare. While they laughed he was reciting to himself the old story: "Dain dead, all my plans destroyed. This is the end of all hope and of all things." His heart sank within him.

He felt a kind of deadly sickness.

"Very good. Capital!" exclaimed both officers. Almayer came out of his despondency with another burst of talk.

"Eh! what about the dinner? You have got a cook with you.

That's all right. There is a cooking shed in the other courtyard. I can give you a goose. Look at my geese--the only geese on the east coast--perhaps on the whole island. Is that your cook? Very good. Here, Ali, show this Chinaman the cooking place and tell Mem Almayer to let him have room there. My wife, gentlemen, does not come out; my daughter may. Meantime have some more drink. It is a hot day."The lieutenant took the cigar out of his mouth, looked at the ash critically, shook it off and turned towards Almayer.

"We have a rather unpleasant business with you," he said.

"I am sorry," returned Almayer. "It can be nothing very serious, surely.""If you think an attempt to blow up forty men at least, not a serious matter you will not find many people of your opinion,"retorted the officer sharply.

"Blow up! What? I know nothing about it" exclaimed Almayer.

"Who did that, or tried to do it?"

"A man with whom you had some dealings," answered the lieutenant.

  • The Second Jungle Book

    The Second Jungle Book

  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom of the Opera

  • 龙瑞观禹穴阳明洞天图经


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    本书精心挑选了三百多篇优秀小学生作文,分为“成长新天地 ”、“人物你我他”等八个大的类别,每一类别前都有对症下药的“写作小提示”,每一类别下又细分为两到三个小的栏目,基本囊括了小学生作文的题材和体裁。每篇作文后面都附有编者精心撰写的点评,为小学生学习满分作文提供了切实的帮助与指引。
  • 杜威教育箴言


  • 愿向花间留晚照


  • 心悦你,时光美好而悠长


  • 曾国藩做人为官处世的大智慧


  • 魅力男人的气质何来


  • 魔神最强成长系统


  • 礼仪的规范(现代人生成功方案丛书)


  • 中国十大宦官


  • 痞子女神:拜金儿子吸金爹

