

Come, rouse yourself, and let's die warm together.

ANTONY. I will not fight: there's no more work for war.

The business of my angry hours is done.

VENTIDIUS. Caesar is at your gates.

ANTONY. Why, let him enter;

He's welcome now.

VENTIDIUS. What lethargy has crept into your soul?

ANTONY. 'Tis but a scorn of life, and just desire To free myself from bondage.

VENTIDIUS. Do it bravely.

ANTONY. I will; but not by fighting. O Ventidius!

What should I fight for now?--my queen is dead.

I was but great for her; my power, my empire, Were but my merchandise to buy her love;And conquered kings, my factors. Now she's dead, Let Caesar take the world,--An empty circle, since the jewel's gone Which made it worth my strife: my being's nauseous;For all the bribes of life are gone away.

VENTIDIUS. Would you be taken?

ANTONY. Yes, I would be taken;

But, as a Roman ought,--dead, my Ventidius:

For I'll convey my soul from Caesar's reach, And lay down life myself. 'Tis time the world Should have a lord, and know whom to obey.

We two have kept its homage in suspense, And bent the globe, on whose each side we trod, Till it was dented inwards. Let him walk Alone upon't: I'm weary of my part.

My torch is out; and the world stands before me, Like a black desert at the approach of night:

I'll lay me down, and stray no farther on.

VENTIDIUS. I could be grieved, But that I'll not outlive you: choose your death;For, I have seen him in such various shapes, I care not which I take: I'm only troubled, The life I bear is worn to such a rag, 'Tis scarce worth giving. I could wish, indeed, We threw it from us with a better grace;That, like two lions taken in the toils, We might at last thrust out our paws, and wound The hunters that inclose us.

ANTONY. I have thought on it.

Ventidius, you must live.

VENTIDIUS. I must not, sir.

ANTONY. Wilt thou not live, to speak some good of me?

To stand by my fair fame, and guard the approaches >From the ill tongues of men?

VENTIDIUS. Who shall guard mine, For living after you?

ANTONY. Say, I command it.

VENTIDIUS. If we die well, our deaths will speak themselves And need no living witness.

ANTONY. Thou hast loved me, And fain I would reward thee. I must die;Kill me, and take the merit of my death, To make thee friends with Caesar.

VENTIDIUS. Thank your kindness.

You said I loved you; and in recompense, You bid me turn a traitor: Did I think You would have used me thus?--that I should die With a hard thought of you?

ANTONY. Forgive me, Roman.

Since I have heard of Cleopatra's death, My reason bears no rule upon my tongue, But lets my thoughts break all at random out.

I've thought better; do not deny me twice.

VENTIDIUS. By Heaven I will not.

Let it not be to outlive you.

ANTONY. Kill me first, And then die thou; for 'tis but just thou serve Thy friend, before thyself.

VENTIDIUS. Give me your hand.

We soon shall meet again. Now, farewell, emperor!--[Embrace.]

Methinks that word's too cold to be my last:

Since death sweeps all distinctions, farewell, friend!

That's all--

I will not make a business of a trifle;

And yet I cannot look on you, and kill you;Pray turn your face.

ANTONY. I do: strike home, be sure.

VENTIDIUS. Home as my sword will reach.

[Kills himself.]

ANTONY. Oh, thou mistak'st;

That wound was not of thine; give it me back:

Thou robb'st me of my death.

VENTIDIUS. I do indeed;

But think 'tis the first time I e'er deceived you, If that may plead my pardon.--And you, gods, Forgive me, if you will; for I die perjured, Rather than kill my friend.


ANTONY. Farewell! Ever my leader, even in death!

My queen and thou have got the start of me, And I'm the lag of honour.--Gone so soon?

Is Death no more? he used him carelessly, With a familiar kindness: ere he knocked, Ran to the door, and took him in his arms, As who should say--You're welcome at all hours, A friend need give no warning. Books had spoiled him;For all the learned are cowards by profession.

'Tis not worth My further thought; for death, for aught I know, Is but to think no more. Here's to be satisfied.

[Falls on his sword.]

I've missed my heart. O unperforming hand!

Thou never couldst have erred in a worse time.

My fortune jades me to the last; and death, Like a great man, takes state, and makes me wait For my admittance.--[Trampling within.]

Some, perhaps, from Caesar:

If he should find me living, and suspect That I played booty with my life! I'll mend My work, ere they can reach me.

[Rises upon his knees.]


CLEOPATRA. Where is my lord? where is he?

CHARMION. There he lies, And dead Ventidius by him.

CLEOPATRA. My tears were prophets; I am come too late.

O that accursed Alexas!

[Runs to him.]

ANTONY. Art thou living?

Or am I dead before I knew, and thou The first kind ghost that meets me?

CLEOPATRA. Help me seat him.

Send quickly, send for help!

[They place him in a chair.]

ANTONY. I am answered.

We live both. Sit thee down, my Cleopatra:

I'll make the most I can of life, to stay A moment more with thee.

CLEOPATRA. How is it with you?

ANTONY. 'Tis as with a man Removing in a hurry; all packed up, But one dear jewel that his haste forgot;And he, for that, returns upon the spur:

So I come back for thee.

CLEOPATRA. Too long, ye heavens, you have been cruel to me:

Now show your mended faith, and give me back His fleeting life!

ANTONY. It will not be, my love;

I keep my soul by force.

Say but, thou art not false.

CLEOPATRA. 'Tis now too late To say I'm true: I'll prove it, and die with you.

Unknown to me, Alexas feigned my death:

Which, when I knew, I hasted to prevent This fatal consequence. My fleet betrayed Both you and me.

ANTONY. And Dolabella--

CLEOPATRA. Scarce Esteemed before he loved; but hated now.

ANTONY. Enough: my life's not long enough for more.

Thou say'st, thou wilt come after: I believe thee;For I can now believe whate'er thou sayest, That we may part more kindly.

CLEOPATRA. I will come:

Doubt not, my life, I'll come, and quickly too:

Caesar shall triumph o'er no part of thee.

ANTONY. But grieve not, while thou stayest, My last disastrous times:

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