

At about four in the afternoon the old lady pushed her foot against Caroline's, and the girl looked up quickly enough to see the new actor, whose regular advent would thenceforth lend variety to the scene. He was tall and thin, and wore black, a man of about forty, with a certain solemnity of demeanor; as his piercing hazel eye met the old woman's dull gaze, he made her quake, for she felt as though he had the gift of reading hearts, or much practice in it, and his presence must surely be as icy as the air of this dank street. Was the dull, sallow complexion of that ominous face due to excess of work, or the result of delicate health?

The old woman supplied twenty different answers to this question; but Caroline, next day, discerned the lines of long mental suffering on that brow that was so prompt to frown. The rather hollow cheeks of the Unknown bore the stamp of the seal which sorrow sets on its victims as if to grant them the consolation of common recognition and brotherly union for resistance. Though the girl's expression was at first one of lively but innocent curiosity, it assumed a look of gentle sympathy as the stranger receded from view, like a last relation following in a funeral train.

The heat of the weather was so great, and the gentleman was so absent-minded, that he had taken off his hat and forgotten to put it on again as he went down the squalid street. Caroline could see the stern look given to his countenance by the way the hair was brushed from his forehead. The strong impression, devoid of charm, made on the girl by this man's appearance was totally unlike any sensation produced by the other passengers who used the street; for the first time in her life she was moved to pity for some one else than herself and her mother;she made no reply to the absurd conjectures that supplied material for the old woman's provoking volubility, and drew her long needle in silence through the web of stretched net; she only regretted not having seen the stranger more closely, and looked forward to the morrow to form a definite opinion of him.

It was the first time, indeed, that a man passing down the street had ever given rise to much thought in her mind. She generally had nothing but a smile in response to her mother's hypotheses, for the old woman looked on every passer-by as a possible protector for her daughter.

And if such suggestions, so crudely presented, gave rise to no evil thoughts in Caroline's mind, her indifference must be ascribed to the persistent and unfortunately inevitable toil in which the energies of her sweet youth were being spent, and which would infallibly mar the clearness of her eyes or steal from her fresh cheeks the bloom that still colored them.

For two months or more the "Black Gentleman"--the name they had given him--was erratic in his movements; he did not always come down the Rue du Tourniquet; the old woman sometimes saw him in the evening when he had not passed in the morning, and he did not come by at such regular hours as the clerks who served Madame Crochard instead of a clock;moreover, excepting on the first occasion, when his look had given the old mother a sense of alarm, his eyes had never once dwelt on the weird picture of these two female gnomes. With the exception of two carriage-gates and a dark ironmonger's shop, there were in the Rue du Tourniquet only barred windows, giving light to the staircases of the neighboring houses; thus the stranger's lack of curiosity was not to be accounted for by the presence of dangerous rivals; and Madame Crochard was greatly piqued to see her "Black Gentleman" always lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the ground, or straight before him, as though he hoped to read the future in the fog of the Rue du Tourniquet. However, one morning, about the middle of September, Caroline Crochard's roguish face stood out so brightly against the dark background of the room, looking so fresh among the belated flowers and faded leaves that twined round the window-bars, the daily scene was gay with such contrasts of light and shade, of pink and white blending with the light material on which the pretty needlewoman was working, and with the red and brown hues of the chairs, that the stranger gazed very attentively at the effects of this living picture.

In point of fact, the old woman, provoked by her "Black Gentleman's"indifference, had made such a clatter with her bobbins that the gloomy and pensive passer-by was perhaps prompted to look up by the unusual noise.

The stranger merely exchanged glances with Caroline, swift indeed, but enough to effect a certain contact between their souls, and both were aware that they would think of each other. When the stranger came by again, at four in the afternoon, Caroline recognized the sound of his step on the echoing pavement; they looked steadily at each other, and with evident purpose; his eyes had an expression of kindliness which made him smile, and Caroline colored; the old mother noted them with satisfaction. Ever after that memorable afternoon, the Gentleman in Black went by twice a day, with rare exceptions, which both the women observed. They concluded from the irregularity of the hours of his homecoming that he was not released so early, nor so precisely punctual as a subordinate official.

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    一朝穿越,一场错位的人生。一块神秘的玉佩,当她变成她后——苏陌沫无语望天:老天,你玩我是吧?你让本姑娘穿越,可以不是公主、皇后,但好歹你也让本姑娘做个自由人吧!一个小丫鬟是怎么回事?你让本姑娘怎么混?好吧,这苏陌沫认了。只是,当她忙着她的逃跑之路、发财大计之时,却总有一个腹黑无比的妖孽,在她每每将要成功之时在她耳边警告:“苏陌沫,你是跑不掉的,别妄想离开本王的身边!” [小剧场1] 某王爷突然靠近,将苏陌沫抵在了墙壁上。 苏陌沫挑眉:“有事?” 某男:“你有喜欢的人吗?” 苏陌沫:“……没有。” 某男邪魅一笑:“很好,从此刻起,你有了!” [小剧场2] 某日某爷回房,竟听见他的小东西在低低的哭泣。 “谁欺负你了?本王让他生不如死!”某爷承认,他心疼了。 “不管是谁,你都会帮我欺负回去吗?” “……说。”某爷有了不祥的预感。 苏陌沫:“你!” 某爷:“……” “所以……”某女从袖中拿出了一张写好的休书,“王爷赶紧签了,还我自由之身。” 某爷怒极反笑,“放过你?下辈子再说吧。”
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    小时候,他对她一见钟情。 但却没能保护好她,因此被人贩子拐卖唤醒了第二人格。自此宋小汐被关在z国千家的城堡里,天天幻想着外面的世界和离家出走。不料,第99次离家出走当场被恶魔抓住!-----宫凌澈!迟早有一天我会骑在你头上的!不然我就不姓宋! (不喜勿喷,作者写作小学生水平quq里面很多词可能用词不当。望周知。)
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