

I have no doubt, for myself, in giving my voice for the latter.

I do not wish to be moved, but growing where I was growing, There more truly to grow, to live where as yet I had languished.

I do not like being moved: for the will is excited; and action Is a most dangerous thing; I tremble for something factitious, Some malpractice of heart and illegitimate process;We are so prone to these things, with our terrible notions of duty.

XII. Claude to Eustace.

Ah, let me look, let me watch, let me wait, unhurried, unprompted!

Bid me not venture on aught that could alter or end what is present!

Say not, Time flies, and Occasion, that never returns, is departing!

Drive me not out yet, ye ill angels with fiery swords, from my Eden, Waiting, and watching, and looking! Let love be its own inspiration!

Shall not a voice, if a voice there must be, from the airs that environ, Yea, from the conscious heavens, without our knowledge or effort, Break into audible words? And love be its own inspiration?

XIII. Claude to Eustace.

Wherefore and how I am certain, I hardly can tell; but it IS so.

She doesn't like me, Eustace; I think she never will like me.

Is it my fault, as it is my misfortune, my ways are not her ways?

Is it my fault, that my habits and modes are dissimilar wholly?

'Tis not her fault; 'tis her nature, her virtue, to misapprehend them:

'Tis not her fault; 'tis her beautiful nature, not ever to know me.

Hopeless it seems,--yet I cannot, though hopeless, determine to leave it:

She goes--therefore I go; she moves,--I move, not to lose her.

XIV. Claude to Eustace.

Oh, 'tisn't manly, of course, 'tisn't manly, this method of wooing;'Tisn't the way very likely to win. For the woman, they tell you, Ever prefers the audacious, the wilful, the vehement hero;She has no heart for the timid, the sensitive soul; and for knowledge,--Knowledge, O ye Gods!--when did they appreciate knowledge?

Wherefore should they, either? I am sure I do not desire it.

Ah, and I feel too, Eustace, she cares not a tittle about me!

(Care about me, indeed! and do I really expect it?)But my manner offends; my ways are wholly repugnant;Every word that I utter estranges, hurts, and repels her;Every moment of bliss that I gain, in her exquisite presence, Slowly, surely, withdraws her, removes her, and severs her from me.

Not that I care very much!--any way I escape from the boy's own Folly, to which I am prone, of loving where it is easy.

Not that I mind very much! Why should I? I am not in love, and Am prepared, I think, if not by previous habit, Yet in the spirit beforehand for this and all that is like it;It is an easier matter for us contemplative creatures, Us upon whom the pressure of action is laid so lightly;We, discontented indeed with things in particular, idle, Sickly, complaining, by faith, in the vision of things in general, Manage to hold on our way without, like others around us, Seizing the nearest arm to comfort, help, and support us.

Yet, after all, my Eustace, I know but little about it.

All I can say for myself, for present alike and for past, is, Mary Trevellyn, Eustace, is certainly worth your acquaintance.

You couldn't come, I suppose, as far as Florence to see her?

XV. Georgina Trevellyn to Louisa ----.

. . . . . . To-morrow we're starting for Florence, Truly rejoiced, you may guess, to escape from republican terrors;Mr. C. and Papa to escort us; we by vettura Through Siena, and Georgy to follow and join us by Leghorn.

Then---- Ah, what shall I say, my dearest? I tremble in thinking!

You will imagine my feelings,--the blending of hope and of sorrow.

How can I bear to abandon Papa and Mamma and my Sisters?

Dearest Louise, indeed it is very alarming; but, trust me Ever, whatever may change, to remain your loving Georgina.

P.S. by Mary Trevellyn.

. . . . . . . 'Do I like Mr. Claude any better?'

I am to tell you,--and, 'Pray, is it Susan or I that attract him?'

This he never has told, but Georgina could certainly ask him.

All I can say for myself is, alas! that he rather repels me.

There! I think him agreeable, but also a little repulsive.

So be content, dear Louisa; for one satisfactory marriage Surely will do in one year for the family you would establish Neither Susan nor I shall afford you the joy of a second.

P.S. by Georgina Trevellyn.

Mr. Claude, you must know, is behaving a little bit better;He and Papa are great friends; but he really is too SHILLY-SHALLY,--So unlike George! Yet I hope that the matte is going on fairly.

I shall, however, get George, before he goes, to say something.

Dearest Louise, how delightful to bring young people together!


Is it Florence we follow, or are we to tarry yet longer, E'en amid clamour of arms, here in the city of old, Seeking from clamour of arms in the Past and the Arts to be hidden, Vainly 'mid Arts and the Past seeking one life to forget?

Ah, fair shadow, scarce seen, go forth! for anon he shall follow,--He that beheld thee, anon, whither thou leadest must go!

Go, and the wise, loving Muse, she also will follow and find thee!

She, should she linger in Rome, were not dissevered from thee!

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