

While they are skipping and screaming, and dancing their caps on the points of Swords and bayonets, I to the outskirts back, and ask a Mercantile-seeming bystander, 'What is it?' and he, looking always That way, makes me answer, 'A Priest, who was trying to fly to The Neapolitan army,'--and thus explains the proceeding.

You didn't see the dead man? No;--I began to be doubtful;I was in black myself, and didn't know what mightn't happen,--But a National Guard close by me, outside of the hubbub, Broke his sword with slashing a broad hat covered with dust,--and Passing away from the place with Murray under my arm, and Stooping, I saw through the legs of the people the legs of a body.

You are the first, do you know, to whom I have mentioned the matter.

Whom should I tell it to else?--these girls?--the Heavens forbid it!--Quidnuncs at Monaldini's--Idlers upon the Pincian?

If I rightly remember, it happened on that afternoon when Word of the nearer approach of a new Neapolitan army First was spread. I began to bethink me of Paris Septembers, Thought I could fancy the look of that old 'Ninety-two. On that evening Three or four, or, it may be, five, of these people were slaughtered Some declared they had, one of them, fired on a sentinel; others Say they were only escaping; a Priest, it is currently stated, Stabbed a National Guard on the very Piazza Colonna:

History, Rumour of Rumours, I leave to thee to determine!

But I am thankful to say the government seems to have strength to Put it down; it has vanished, at least; the place is most peaceful.

Through the Trastevere walking last night, at nine of the clock, IFound no sort of disorder; I crossed by the Island-bridges, So by the narrow streets to the Ponte Rotto, and onwards Thence by the Temple of Vesta, away to the great Coliseum, Which at the full of the moon is an object worthy a visit.

VIII. Georgina Trevellyn to Louisa ----.

Only think, dearest Louisa, what fearful scenes we have witnessed!--* * * * * * * *George has just seen Garibaldi, dressed up in a long white cloak, on Horseback, riding by, with his mounted negro behind him:

This is a man, you know, who came from America with him, Out of the woods, I suppose, and uses a lasso in fighting, Which is, I don't quite know, but a sort of noose, I imagine;This he throws on the heads of the enemy's men in a battle, Pulls them into his reach, and then most cruelly kills them:

Mary does not believe, but we heard it from an Italian.

Mary allows she was wrong about Mr. Claude BEING SELFISH;He was MOST useful and kind on the terrible thirtieth of April.

Do not write here any more; we are starting directly for Florence:

We should be off to-morrow, if only Papa could get horses;All have been seized everywhere for the use of this dreadful MazziniP.S.

Mary has seen thus far.--I am really so angry, Louisa,--Quite out of patience, my dearest! What can the man be intending?

I am quite tired; and Mary, who might bring him to in a moment, Lets him go on as he likes, and neither will help nor dismiss him.

IX. Claude to Eustace.

It is most curious to see what a power a few calm words (in Merely a brief proclamation) appear to possess on the people.

Order is perfect, and peace; the city is utterly tranquil;And one cannot conceive that this easy and nonchalant crowd, that Flows like a quiet stream through street and market-place, entering Shady recesses and bays of church, osteria, and caffe, Could in a moment be changed to a flood as of molten lava, Boil into deadly wrath and wild homicidal delusion.

Ah, 'tis an excellent race,--and even in old degradation, Under a rule that enforces to flattery, lying, and cheating, E'en under Pope and Priest, a nice and natural people.

Oh, could they but be allowed this chance of redemption!--but clearly That is not likely to be. Meantime, notwithstanding all journals, Honour for once to the tongue and the pen of the eloquent writer!

Honour to speech! and all honour to thee, thou noble Mazzini!

X. Claude to Eustace.

I am in love, meantime, you think; no doubt you would think so.

I am in love, you say; with those letters, of course, you would say so.

I am in love, you declare. I think not so; yet I grant you It is a pleasure indeed to converse with this girl. Oh, rare gift, Rare felicity, this! she can talk in a rational way, can Speak upon subjects that really are matters of mind and of thinking, Yet in perfection retain her simplicity; never, one moment, Never, however you urge it, however you tempt her, consents to Step from ideas and fancies and loving sensations to those vain Conscious understandings that vex the minds of mankind.

No, though she talk, it is music; her fingers desert not the keys; 'tis Song, though you hear in the song the articulate vocables sounded, Syllabled singly and sweetly the words of melodious meaning.

I am in love, you say; I do not think so, exactly.

XI. Claude to Eustace.

There are two different kinds, I believe, of human attraction:

One which simply disturbs, unsettles, and makes you uneasy, And another that poises, retains, and fixes and holds you.

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