每个人的青春里都有这么一个人,她默默无闻地在你的时光中出现,又走得悄然无声。这是多年以后林耀含泪打下的一行字,他知道那个女孩就这样永远消失在世界了。“笨蛋婳啊,这么久过去了你还是那么笨。”微凉的秋风吹落枝头的残叶,林耀目光忧伤而宠溺的望着墓碑前照片上的少女,温柔拂去落在坟墓上的叶,“连叶子掉在自己头上了也不懂打理。”是啊,她就是这样一个不懂爱惜自己的女生,才会永远地离开他……楚婳原以为她的生命中出现了一个拯救她的少年,她如此喜欢他,只是因为他刚好出现在自己最窘迫难堪的那段时光而已。青春中循环上演着那么多悲欢离合,不是在证明人的天真和幼稚,而是在强化着时间的无情,每个人不是输给了自己,而是时间。The Inside Story (Sisters Grimm #8)
After the shocking ending of The Everafter War, this book picks up with Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck stuck in the Book of Everafter, where all the fairy tales are stored and enchanted characters can change their destinies. The girls (and Puck) must chase the Master through a series of stories, where they're willing to change what they need in order to save their baby brother. Soon, however, they are confronted by the Editor—the book's guardian—who, along with an army of tiny monsters known as Revisers, threatens the children with dire consequences if they don't stick to the stories. As they chase their quarry and dodge the Revisers, they meet Alice, Mowgli, Jack the Giant Killer, Hansel and Gretel, the Headless Horseman, and more.