人的一切行为都是自内而外的。一个成功的人,一个成功的社会,都离不开心理的成功。世界巨富沃沦·巴菲特在有人问他为什么比上帝还富有时说:”这个问题很简单,就像聪明人会做一些阻碍自己发挥全部工效的事情,原因不在智商,而在于心理素质。”当时在场的比尔· 盖茨深表赞同。具有良好行为的人必有良好的品性,具有伟大人格的人必有伟大的心性。心理素质是一个人成功的基础,更是使一个人富有一生的资本。一种健全的人格,比一百种智慧都有力量。战胜别人从战胜自己开始。在个人整体素质中,处于基础、核心与归宿地位的心理素质,越来越成为人们身心健康、事业成败、生活幸福的决定因素,也越来越引起研究者和社会大众的热切关注。Magic and Other Misdemeanors (The Sisters Grimm #5
Fans of fractured fairy tales will be delighted to discover the fantasy, mystery, adventure, and humor in the beloved New York Times bestselling Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley, now with new cover art. The nine wildly popular books are favorites around the world. They were among the first books to bring a distinctly girl-power spin to fairy tales—a trend followed by hit television series and movies such as Grimm and Maleficent; the bestselling book series the Land of Stories; and more. Now, books one through six in this smash-hit series appear with new covers, with books seven, eight, and nine available as revised editions soon.