【女强+宠文+腹黑+凤行九洲】一直以来,亲人都待她如掌中至宝,从未责怪过她天生便是废品灵根;更没有斥责她为宗族蒙羞!可是这一切,却在母亲死后变成泡沫!母亲祭日,妹妹以尖刀刺进她的心脏,而她的父亲却在一旁冷眼旁观!再睁眼,她不仅有绝世之姿,更成为炙手可热的天才斗战师,外带极品炼丹师。她外表纯洁如小白兔,内心腹黑如大老虎;她看似张狂无度,高傲莫比;却实则沉稳内敛。多少人说起她便咬牙切齿,恨不得将她撕成碎片;多少人说起她便深情款款,宁弃多年修为只为与她长相守!走自己的路,端自己的碗……其他的嘛,统统收到碗里来!反正,碗够大!Polar Distress (Dr. Critchlore's School for Mi
Runt Higgins has a long to-do list. He needs to find out who cursed him, and why; he needs to make up with his best friend, Syke; and he needs to pass the Junior Henchman Training Program. That last one? Not likely. Professor Murphy hates Runt and is actively trying to fail him. The only way for Runt to pass the class and stay at Dr. Critchlore's school is to locate a rare mineral that Dr. Critchlore needs to make an Undefeatable Minion. To find it, Runt must travel to icy Upper Worb and battle gyrfalcons, yetis … and the loathsome team from Dr. Pravus's school. Their newest member? Runt's former best friend, Syke.钱玄同作品集(中国现代文学名家作品集)