美国精英是怎样炼成的?本书介绍了常青藤教育的99条法则,教会父母如何教育孩子。当孩子具备了真正的常青藤素质,无论将来他遇到什么样的困难和携手,他都能从容面对,继续前行。无需走出国门,您也可以了解到美国精英教育的法则,让孩子在成长之路上与世界精英同步。A Topps League Story
Umpire Solomon Johnson is squeezing the strike zone and throws out both the Pine City Porcupines starting pitcher and manager "Grumps" Humphrey for arguing the call. Chad tries to make peace by giving Solomon a rarely issued "umpire card"—but the ump blows his top. He thinks Chad is making fun of his weight. It's going to be a long nine innings!