

FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN (Takes from the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host.) Corpus Meum.

THE REVEREND MR HAINES LOVE (Raises high behind the celebrant's petticoats, revealing his grey bare hairy buttocks between which a carrot is stuck.) My body.

THE VOICE OF ALL THE DAMNED Htengier Tnetopinmo Dog Drol eht rot, Aiulella!

(From on high the voice of Adonai calls.)ADONAI Dooooooooooog!

THE VOICE OF ALL THE BLESSED Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!

(From on high the voice of Adonai calls.)ADONAI Goooooooooood!

(In strident discord peasants and townsmen of mange and Green factions sing Kick the Pope and Daily, daily sing to Mary.)PRIVATE CARR (With ferocious articulation.) I'll do him in, so help me fucking Christ! I'll wring the bastard fucker's bleeding blasted fucking windpipe!

OLD GUMMY GRANNY (Thrusts a dagger towards Stephen's hand.) Remove him, acushla. At 8.35 a.m. you will be in heaven and Ireland will be free. (She prays.) O good God, take him!

BLOOM (Runs to Lynch.) Can't you get him away?

LYNCH He likes dialectic, the universal language. Kitty! (To Bloom.) Get him away, you. He won't listen to me. (He drags Kitty away.)STEPHEN (Points.) Exit Judas. Et laqueo se suspendit.

BLOOM (Runs to Stephen.) Come along with me now before worse happens. Here's your stick.

STEPHEN Stick, no. Reason. This feast of pure reason.

CISSY CAFFREY (Pulling Private Carr.) Come on, you're boosed. He insulted me but I forgive him. (Shouting in his ear.) I forgive him for insulting me.

BLOOM (Over Stephen's shoulder.) Yes, go. You see he's incapable.

PRIVATE CARR (Breaks loose.) I'll insult him.

(He rushes towards Stephen, fists outstretched, and strikes him in the face. Stephen totters, collapses, falls stunned. He lies prone, his face to the sky, his hat rolling to the wall. Bloom follows and picks it up.)MAJOR TWEEDY (Loudly.) Carbine in bucket! cease fire! Salute!

THE RETRIEVER (Barking furiously.) Ute ute ute ute ute ute uteute.

THE CROWD Let him up! Don't strike him when he's down! Air! Who? The soldier hit him. He's a professor. Is he hurted? Don't manhandle him! He's fainted!

(The retriever, nosing on the fringe of the crowd, barks noisily.)What call had the redcoat to strike the gentleman and he under the influence? Let them go and fight the Boers!

THE BAWD Listen to who's talking! Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl? He gave him the coward's blow.

(They grab at each other's hair, claw at each other and spit.)THE RETRIEVER (Barking.) Wow wow wow.

BLOOM (Shoves them back, loudly.) Get back, stand back!

PRIVATE COMPTON (Tugging his comrade.) Here bugger off, Harry. There's the cops!

(Two raincaped watch, tall, stand in the group)FIRST WATCH What's wrong here?

PRIVATE COMPTON We were with this lady and he insulted us and assaulted my chum. (The retriever barks.) Who owns the bleeding tyke?

CISSY CAFFREY (With expectation.) Is he bleeding?

A MAN (Rising from his knees.) No. Gone off. He'll come to all right.

BLOOM (Glances sharply at the man.) Leave him to me. I can easily...

SECOND WATCH Who are you? Do you know him?

PRIVATE CARR (Lurches towards the watch.) He insulted my lady friend.

BLOOM (Angrily.) You hit him without provocation. I'm a witness. Constable, take his regimental number.

SECOND WATCH I don't want your instructions in the discharge of my duty. PRIVATE COMPTON (Pulling his comrade.) Here, bugger off, Harry. Or Bennett'll have you in the lockup.

PRIVATE CARR (Staggering as he is pulled away.) God fuck old Bennett! He's a whitearsed bugger. I don't give a shit for him.

FIRST WATCH (Taking out his notebook.) What's his name?

BLOOM (Peering over the crowd.) I just see a car there. If you give me a hand a second, sergeant.

FIRST WATCH Name and address.

(Corny Kelleher weepers round his hat, a death wreath in his hand, appears among the bystanders.)BLOOM (Quickly.) O, the very man! (He whispers.) Simon Dedalus' son. A bit sprung. Get those policemen to move those loafers back.

SECOND WATCH Night, Mr Kelleher.

CORNY KELLEHER (To the watch, with drawling eye.) That's all right. I know him. Won a bit on the races. Gold cup. Throwaway. (He laughs.) Twenty to one. Do you follow me?

FIRST WATCH (Turns to the crowd.) Here, what are you all gaping at? Move on out of that.

(The crowd disperses slowly, muttering, down the lane.)CORNY KELLEHER Leave it to me, sergeant. That'll be all right. (He laughs, shaking his head.) We were often as bad ourselves, ay or worse. What? Eh, what?

FIRST WATCH (Laughs.) I suppose so.

CORNY KELLEHER (Nudges the second watch.) Come and wipe your name off the slate. (He lilts, wagging his head.) With my tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom. What, eh, do you follow me?

SECOND WATCH (Genially.) Ah, sure we were too.

CORNY KELLEHER (Winking.) Boys will be boys. I've a car round there.

SECOND WATCH All right, Mr Kelleher. Good night.

CORNY KELLEHER I'll see to that.

BLOOM (Shakes hands with both of the watch in turn.) Thank you very much gentlemen, thank you. (He mumbles confidentially.) We don't want any scandal, you understand. Father is a well known, highly respected citizen. Just a little wild oats, you understand.

FIRST WATCH O, I understand, sir.

SECOND WATCH That's all right, Sir.

FIRST WATCH It was only in case of corporal injuries I'd have had to report it at the station.

BLOOM (Nods rapidly.) Naturally. Quite right. Only your bounden duty.

SECOND WATCH It's our duty.

CORNY KELLEHER Good night, men.

THE WATCH (Saluting together.) Night, gentlemen. (They move off with slow heavy tread.)BLOOM (Blows.) Providential you came on the scene. You have a car?.

CORNY KELLEHER (Laughs, pointing his thumb over his right shoulder to the car brought up against the scaffolding.) Two commercials that were standing fizz in Jammet's. Like princes, faith. One of them lost two quid on the race. Drowning his grief and were on for a go with the jolly girls. So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown.

  • 商务英语900句“袋”着走


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  • 美人为祸,夫君宠妻成瘾


  • 甜妻小青梅,拐个竹马当老公


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  • 要行舍身经


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  • 闪婚厚爱:这个总裁不太冷


  • 扎纸人

