【重生,甜宠,双洁,1V1,已完结】“夫人,今天份的情书收到了吗?”电话那头清冷磁性的声音传来,苏慕嘴角没忍住抽了抽。emmmm,白煜宸最近怎么这么反常? 脑子该不会被门夹了吧?……重生前,苏慕义无反顾的和未婚夫解除了婚约,最后被渣男骗财,还搭上了一条命;重生后,她痛改前非,直接拉着未婚夫闪婚了!婚后,她看着那个趴在桌子上写情书的某男,无语望天。这绝对不是她认识的冰山毒舌男,那丫的怎么可能会写情书,疯了疯了……
The Complete Short Prose of Samuel Beckett, 1929-1
Nobel Prize winner Samuel Beckett was one of the most profoundly original writers of the 20th century. He gave expression to the anguish and isolation of the individual consciousness with a purity and minimalism that have altered the shape of world literature. A tremendously influential poet and dramatist, Beckett spoke of his prose fiction as the "important writing," the medium in which he distilled his ideas most powerfully. Here, for the first time, his short prose is gathered in a definitive, complete volume by leading Beckett scholar S. E. Gontarski.快乐中老年的人生哲理枕边书