

Whereby it appears that he was born of a race of statesmen,and had a Lord Chancellor for his father,and a mother who was "distinguished both as a linguist and a theologian:she corresponded in Greek with Bishop Jewell,and translated his Apologia from the Latin so correctly that neither he nor Archbishop Parker could suggest a single alteration."It is the atmosphere we are reared in that determines how our inclinations and aspirations shall tend.The atmosphere furnished by the parents to the son in this present case was an atmosphere saturated with learning;with thinkings and ponderings upon deep subjects;and with polite culture.It had its natural effect.Shakespeare of Stratford was reared in a house which had no use for books,since its owners,his parents,were without education.This may have had an effect upon the son,but we do not know,because we have no history of him of an informing sort.There were but few books anywhere,in that day,and only the well-to-do and highly educated possessed them,they being almost confined to the dead languages."All the valuable books then extant in all the vernacular dialects of Europe would hardly have filled a single shelf"--imagine it!The few existing books were in the Latin tongue mainly."A person who was ignorant of it was shut out from all acquaintance--not merely with Cicero and Virgil,but with the most interesting memoirs,state papers,and pamphlets of his own time"--a literature necessary to the Stratford lad,for his fictitious reputation's sake,since the writer of his Works would begin to use it wholesale and in a most masterly way before the lad was hardly more than out of his teens and into his twenties.

At fifteen Bacon was sent to the university,and he spent three years there.Thence he went to Paris in the train of the English Ambassador,and there he mingled daily with the wise,the cultured,the great,and the aristocracy of fashion,during another three years.A total of six years spent at the sources of knowledge;knowledge both of books and of men.The three spent at the university were coeval with the second and last three spent by the little Stratford lad at Stratford school supposedly,and perhapsedly,and maybe,and by inference--with nothing to infer from.The second three of the Baconian six were "presumably"spent by the Stratford lad as apprentice to a butcher.That is,the thugs presume it--on no evidence of any kind.Which is their way,when they want a historical fact.Fact and presumption are,for business purposes,all the same to them.They know the difference,but they also know how to blink it.They know,too,that while in history-building a fact is better than a presumption,it doesn't take a presumption long to bloom into a fact when THEY have the handling of it.They know by old experience that when they get hold of a presumption-tadpole he is not going to STAY tadpole in their history-tank;no,they know how to develop him into the giant four-legged bullfrog of FACT,and make him sit up on his hams,and puff out his chin,and look important and insolent and come-to-stay;and assert his genuine simon-pure authenticity with a thundering bellow that will convince everybody because it is so loud.The thug is aware that loudness convinces sixty persons where reasoning convinces but one.I wouldn't be a thug,not even if--but never mind about that,it has nothing to do with the argument,and it is not noble in spirit besides.If I am better than a thug,is the merit mine?No,it is His.Then to Him be the praise.That is the right spirit.

They "presume"the lad severed his "presumed"connection with the Stratford school to become apprentice to a butcher.They also "presume"that the butcher was his father.They don't know.There is no written record of it,nor any other actual evidence.If it would have helped their case any,they would have apprenticed him to thirty butchers,to fifty butchers,to a wilderness of butchers--all by their patented method "presumption."If it will help their case they will do it yet;and if it will further help it,they will "presume"that all those butchers were his father.And the week after,they will SAY it.Why,it is just like being the past tense of the compound reflexive adverbial incandescent hypodermic irregular accusative Noun of Multitude;which is father to the expression which the grammarians call Verb.It is like a whole ancestry,with only one posterity.

To resume.Next,the young Bacon took up the study of law,and mastered that abstruse science.From that day to the end of his life he was daily in close contact with lawyers and judges;not as a casual onlooker in intervals between holding horses in front of a theatre,but as a practicing lawyer--a great and successful one,a renowned one,a Launcelot of the bar,the most formidable lance in the high brotherhood of the legal Table Round;he lived in the law's atmosphere thenceforth,all his years,and by sheer ability forced his way up its difficult steeps to its supremest summit,the Lord Chancellorship,leaving behind him no fellow craftsman qualified to challenge his divine right to that majestic place.

When we read the praises bestowed by Lord Penzance and the other illustrious experts upon the legal condition and legal aptnesses,brilliances,profundities and felicities so prodigally displayed in the Plays,and try to fit them to the history-less Stratford stage-manager,they sound wild,strange,incredible,ludicrous;but when we put them in the mouth of Bacon they do not sound strange,they seem in their natural and rightful place,they seem at home there.

Please turn back and read them again.Attributed to Shakespeare of Stratford they are meaningless,they are inebriate extravagancies--intemperate admirations of the dark side of the moon,so to speak;attributed to Bacon,they are admirations of the golden glories of the moon's front side,the moon at the full--and not intemperate,not overwrought,but sane and right,and justified."At every turn and point at which the author required a metaphor,simile or illustration,his mind ever turned FIRST to the law;he seems almost to have THOUGHT in legal phrases;the commonest legal phrases,the commonest of legal expressions were ever at the end of his pen."That could happen to no one but a person whose TRADE was the law;it could not happen to a dabbler in it.Veteran mariners fill their conversation with sailor-phrases and draw all their similes from the ship and the sea and the storm,but no mere PASSENGER ever does it,be he of Stratford or elsewhere;or could do it with anything resembling accuracy,if he were hardy enough to try.Please read again what Lord Campbell and the other great authorities have said about Bacon when they thought they were saying it about Shakespeare of Stratford.

  • 删补文苑楂橘


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  • The School For Scandal

    The School For Scandal

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  • 燃烧吧!舞皇子(2)


  • 黑铁之堡


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  • 恃宠不骄枉为妃


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  • 因话录


  • 蛮荒时代:狼王大人怀里来


  • 伊索寓言(中)


  • 法治的谜面


    本书的主题集中在中国司法、法律职业、教育公平、图书评论等几个方面。这些评论文章的一个重要特点是“无立场有是非”。作者不预设任何立场,完全以一个局外人身份站在中立立场上就司法问题、教育公平问题等社会热点问题表达自己的认知与见解。这些文章承载着作者的学术良知和客观公正信念。文以载道,这些文章表达的是作者是非高于立场的为学为人之道。 大部分内容是近年来在作者《法制日报》、《检察日报》、《东方早报》、《南方都市报》、《凤凰周刊》、《新世纪》、《新产经》、《法学家茶座》等报刊上发表的六十余篇观察分析评论文章。