
第5章 Two Penitents(2)

Jack lay wide awake,with hot cheeks,and throbbing head,and all sorts of queer sensations in the broken leg.The soothing potion he had taken did not affect him yet,and he tried to beguile the weary time by wondering who came and went below.Gentle rings at the front door,and mysterious tappings at the back,had been going on all the evening;for the report of the accident had grown astonishingly in its travels,and at eight o clock the general belief was that Jack had broken both legs,fractured his skull,and lay at the point of death,while Jill had dislocated one shoulder,and was bruised black and blue from top to toe.Such being the case,it is no wonder that anxious playmates and neighbors haunted the doorsteps of the two houses,and that offers of help poured in.

Frank,having tied up the bell and put a notice in the lighted side-window,saying,"Go to the back door,"sat in the parlor,supported by his chum,Gus,while Ed played softly on the piano,hoping to lull Jack to sleep.It did soothe him,for a very sweet friendship existed between the tall youth and the lad of thirteen.

Ed went with the big fellows,but always had a kind word for the smaller boys;and affectionate Jack,never ashamed to show his love,was often seen with his arm round Ed's shoulder,as they sat together in the pleasant red parlors,where all the young people were welcome and Frank was king.

"Is the pain any easier,my darling?"asked Mrs.Minot,leaning over the pillow,where the golden head lay quiet for a moment.

"Not much.I forget it listening to the music.Dear old Ed is playing all my favorite tunes,and it is very nice.I guess he feels pretty sorry about me.""They all do.Frank could not talk of it.Gus wouldn't go home to tea,he was so anxious to do something for us.Joe brought back the bits of your poor sled,because he didn't like to leave them lying round for anyone to carry off,he said,and you might like them to remember your fall by."Jack tried to laugh,but it was rather a failure,though be managed to say,cheerfully,"That was good of old Joe.I wouldn't lend him 'Thunderbolt for fear he d hurt it.Couldn't have smashed it up better than I did,could he?Don't think I want any pieces to remind me of that fall.Ijust wish you d seen us,mother!It must have been a splendid spill to look at,anyway.""No,thank you;I d rather not even try to imagine my precious boy going heels over head down that dreadful hill.No more pranks of that sort for some time,Jacky";and Mrs.Minot looked rather pleased on the whole to have her venturesome bird safe under her maternal wing.

"No coasting till some time in January.What a fool I was to do it!

Go-bangs always are dangerous,and that's the fun of the thing.Oh dear!"Jack threw his arms about and frowned darkly,but never said a word of the wilful little baggage who had led him into mischief;he was too much of a gentleman to tell on a girl,though it cost him an effort to hold his tongue,because Mamma's good opinion was very precious to him,and he longed to explain.She knew all about it,however,for Jill had been carried into the house reviling herself for the mishap,and even in the midst of her own anxiety for her boy,Mrs.Minot understood the state of the case without more words.So she now set his mind at rest by saying,quietly.

"Foolish fun,as you see,dear.Another time,stand firm and help Jill to control her headstrong will.When you learn to yield less and she more,there will be no scrapes like this to try us all.""I'll remember,mother.I hate not to be obliging,but I guess it would have saved us lots of trouble if I'd said No in the beginning.I tried to,but she would go.Poor Jill!I'll take better care of her next time.Is she very ill,Mamma?""I can tell you better to-morrow.She does not suffer much,and we hope there is no great harm done.""I wish she had a nice place like this to be sick in.It must be very poky in those little rooms,"said Jack,as his eye roved round the large chamber where he lay so cosey,warm,and pleasant,with the gay chintz curtains draping doors and windows,the rosy carpet,comfortable chairs,and a fire glowing in the grate.

"I shall see that she suffers for nothing,so don't trouble your kind heart about her to-night,but try to sleep;that's what you need,"answered his mother,wetting the bandage on his forehead,and putting a cool hand on the flushed cheeks.

Jack obediently closed his eyes and listened while the boys sang "The Sweet By and By,"softening their rough young voices for his sake till the music was as soft as a lullaby.He lay so still his mother thought he was off,but presently a tear slipped out and rolled down the red cheek,wetting her hand as it passed.

"My blessed boy,what is it?"she whispered,with a touch and a tone that only mothers have.

The blue eyes opened wide,and Jack's own sunshiny smile broke through the tears that filled them as he said with a sniff,"Everybody is so good to me I can't help making a noodle of myself.

"You are not a noodle!"cried Mamma,resenting the epithet."One of the sweet things about pain and sorrow is that they show us how well we are loved,how much kindness there is in the world,and how easily we can make others happy in the same way when they need help and sympathy.Don't forget that,little son,""Don't see how I can,with you to show me how nice it is.Kiss me good-night,and then 'I'll be good,as Jill says."Nestling his head upon his mother's arm,Jack lay quiet till,lulled by the music of his mates,he drowsed away into the dreamless sleep which is Nurse Nature's healthiest soothing sirup for weary souls and bodies.

  • T. Tembarom

    T. Tembarom

  • 道教三字经


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  • 少年儿童不可不知的80种文明礼仪


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