
第88章 Cattle Show(5)

The girls laughed so at the ridiculous sight that they nearly fell over the railing,and the boys were in ecstasies,especially when Grif,emboldened by his success,trotted briskly round the race-course,followed by the cheers of the crowd.Excited by the noise,Graciosa did her best,till the false head,loosened by the rapid motion,slipped round under her nose,causing her to stop so suddenly that Grif flew off,alighting on his own head with a violence which would have killed any other boy.Sobered by his downfall,he declined to mount again,but led his steed to repose in a shed,while he rejoined his friends,who were waiting impatiently to congratulate him on his latest and best prank.

The Committee went their rounds soon after,and,when the doors were again opened,everyone hurried to see if their articles had received a premium.A card lay on the butter cups,and Mrs.Grant was full of pride because her butter always took a prize,and this proved that Merry was walking in her mother's steps,in this direction at least.Another card swung from the blue quilt,for the kindly judges knew who made it,and were glad to please the little girl,though several others as curious but not so pretty hung near by.The cats were admired,but,as they were not among the animals usually exhibited,there was no prize awarded.Gus hoped his hens would get one;hut somebody else outdid him,to the great indignation of Laura and Lotty,who had fed the white biddies faithfully for months.Jack was sure his rabbit was the biggest there,and went eagerly to look for his premium.But neither card nor Bun were to be seen,for the old rascal had escaped for the last time,and was never seen again;which was a great comfort to Jack,who was heartily tired of him.

Ralph's bust was the best of all,for not only did it get a prize,and was much admired,but a lady,who found Jill and Merry rejoicing over it,was so pleased with the truth and grace of the little head,that she asked about the artist,and whether he would do one of her own child,who was so delicate she feared he might not live long.

Merry gladly told the story of her ambitious friend,and went to find him,that he might secure the order.While she was gone,Jill took up the tale,gratefully telling how kind he had been to her,how patiently he worked and waited,and how much he longed to go abroad.Fortunately the lady was rich and generous,as well as fond of art,and being pleased with the bust,and interested in the young sculptor,gave him the order wher~he came,and filled his soul with joy by adding,that,if it suited her when done,it should be put into marble.She lived in the city,and Ralph soon arranged his work so that he could give up his noon hour,and go to model the child;for every penny he could earn or save now was very precious,as he still hoped to go abroad.

The girls were so delighted with this good fortune,that they did not stay for the races,but went home to tell the happy news,leaving the boys to care for the cats,and enjoy the various matches to come off that day.

"I'm so glad I tried to look pleasant when I was lying on the board while Ralph did my head,for the pleasantness got into the clay face,and that made the lady like it,"said Jill,as she lay resting on the sofa.

"I always thought it was a dear,bright little face,but now I love and admire it more than ever,"cried Merry,kissing it gratefully,as she remembered the help and pleasure it had given Ralph.

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