
第92章 Down the River(4)

"Yes:I've been hard at it every spare minute I could get,and have a fortnight more.It suits Mrs.Lennox,and she will pay well for it,so I shall have something to start with,though I haven't been able to save much.I'm to thank you for that,and I shall send you the first pretty thing I get hold of,"answered Ralph,looking gratefully at the bright face,which grew still brighter as Jill exclaimed,"I do feel so proud to know a real artist,and have my bust done by him.I only wish I could pay for it as Mrs.Lennox does;but I haven't any money,and you don't need the sort of things I can make,"she added,shaking her head,as she thought over knit slippers,wall-pockets,and crochet in all its forms,as offerings to her departing friend.

"You can write often,and tell me all about everybody,for I shall want to know,and people will soon forget me when I'm gone,"said Ralph,lookir~g at Merry,who was making a garland of yellow leaves for Juliet's black hair.

Jill promised,and kept her word;but the longest letters went from the farm-house on the hill,though no one knew the fact till long afterward.Merry said nothing now,but she smiled,with a pretty color in her cheeks,and was very much absorbed in her work,while the talk went on.

"I wish I was twenty,and going to seek my fortune,as you are,"said Jack;and the other boys agreed with him,for something in Ralph's new plans and purposes roused the manly spirit in all of them,reminding them that playtime would soon be over,and the great world before them,where to choose.

"It is easy enough to say what you'd like;but the trouble is,you have to take what you can get,and make the best of it,"said Gus,whose own views were rather vague as yet.

"No you don't,always;you can make things go as you want them,if you only try hard enough,and walk right over whatever stands in the way.I don't mean to give up my plans for any man;but,if I live,I'll carry them out--you see if I don't";and Frank gave the rock where he lay a blow with his fist,that sent the acorns flying all about.

One of them hit Jack,and he said,sorrowfully,as he held it in his hand so carefully it was evident he had some association with it,"Ed used to say that,and he had some splendid plans,but they didn't come to anything.""Perhaps they did;who can tell?Do your best while you live,and I don't believe anything good is lost,whether we have it a long or a short time,"said Ralph,who knew what a help and comfort high hopes were,and how they led to better things,if worthily cherished.

"A great many acorns are wasted,I suppose;but some of them sprout and grow,and make splendid trees,"added Merry,feeling more than she knew how to express,as she looked up at the oaks overhead.

Only seven of the party were sitting on the knoll now,for the rest had gone to wash the dishes and pack the baskets down by the boats.Jack and Jill,with the three elder boys,were in a little group,and as Merry spoke,Gus said to Frank,"Did you plant yours?""Yes,on the lawn,and I mean it shall come up if I can make it,"answered Frank,gravely.

"I put mine where I can see it from the window,and not forget to water and take care of it,"added Jack,still turning the pretty brown acorn to and fro as if he loved it.

"What do they mean?"whispered Merry to Jill,who was leaning against her knee Lo rest.

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