自信而后可自强:自信可以决定理想人生的目标,人有了自信心就有力量决定自己人生的方向,就能策划自己人生的前途,就能主宰自己的命运,就能做自己的主人。自强而后能自立:为人当自强,所谓“天行健,君子以自强不息”,又说“将相本无种,男儿当自强”。懂得自己奋发图强、努力向上的人,才能自立。“少年强则国强”,故事是青少年喜闻乐见的阅读形式,它轻松、活泼、润心田于无声,比任何理论说教都更容易让人记住。特别是那些经典故事,因为蕴涵着深刻的道理而更加隽永、悠长。Homer's Daughter
In this innovative re-imagining of the Odyssey’s history, Sicilian princess Nausicaa recounts her story, and how she, not the poet Homer, came to write the Odyssey. Set in the eighth century B.C., it recounts the story of a determined young woman who lives an adventurous life: rescuing her father's throne from outside threats, freeing herself from an abusive marriage, and saving her two younger brothers from certain death. Nausicaa is a passionate, religious, and dynamic heroine who is more than a match for the heroes in the epic poem she claims to have authored.