
第9章 ACT II(3)

MILDRED.But,Thorold--if I will receive him as I said?


MILDRED.I will receive him.

TRESHAM [starting up].Ho there!Guendolen!

GUENDOLEN and AUSTIN enter And,Austin,you are welcome,too!Look there!

The woman there!


TRESHAM.Mildred once!

Now the receiver night by night,when sleep Blesses the inmates of her father's house,--I say,the soft sly wanton that receives Her guilt's accomplice 'neath this roof which holds You,Guendolen,you,Austin,and has held A thousand Treshams--never one like her!

No lighter of the signal-lamp her quick Foul breath near quenches in hot eagerness To mix with breath as foul!no loosener O'the lattice,practised in the stealthy tread,The low voice and the noiseless come-and-go!

Not one composer of the bacchant's mien Into--what you thought Mildred's,in a word!

Know her!

GUENDOLEN.Oh,Mildred,look to me,at least!

Thorold--she's dead,I'd say,but that she stands Rigid as stone and whiter!

TRESHAM.You have heard...

GUENDOLEN.Too much!You must proceed no further.


Proceed!All's truth.Go from me!

TRESHAM.All is truth,She tells you!Well,you know,or ought to know,All this I would forgive in her.I'd con Each precept the harsh world enjoins,I'd take Our ancestors'stern verdicts one by one,I'd bind myself before then to exact The prescribed vengeance--and one word of hers,The sight of her,the bare least memory Of Mildred,my one sister,my heart's pride Above all prides,my all in all so long,Would scatter every trace of my resolve.

What were it silently to waste away And see her waste away from this day forth,Two scathed things with leisure to repent,And grow acquainted with the grave,and die Tired out if not at peace,and be forgotten?

It were not so impossible to bear.

But this--that,fresh from last night's pledge renewed Of love with the successful gallant there,She calmly bids me help her to entice,Inveigle an unconscious trusting youth Who thinks her all that's chaste and good and pure,--Invites me to betray him...who so fit As honour's self to cover shame's arch-deed?

--That she'll receive Lord Mertoun--(her own phrase)--

This,who could bear?Why,you have heard of thieves,Stabbers,the earth's disgrace,who yet have laughed,"Talk not to me of torture--I'll betray No comrade I've pledged faith to!"--you have heard Of wretched women--all but Mildreds--tied By wild illicit ties to losels vile You'd tempt them to forsake;and they'll reply "Gold,friends,repute,I left for him,I find In him,why should I leave him then,for gold,Repute or friends?"--and you have felt your heart Respond to such poor outcasts of the world As to so many friends;bad as you please,You've felt they were God's men and women still,So,not to be disowned by you.But she That stands there,calmly gives her lover up As means to wed the Earl that she may hide Their intercourse the surelier:and,for this,I curse her to her face before you all.

Shame hunt her from the earth!Then Heaven do right To both!It hears me now--shall judge her then!

[AS MILDRED faints and falls,TRESHAM rushes out.]

AUSTIN.Stay,Tresham,we'll accompany you!


What,and leave Mildred?We?Why,where's my place But by her side,and where yours but by mine?

Mildred--one word!Only look at me,then!

AUSTIN.No,Guendolen!I echo Thorold's voice.

She is unworthy to behold...


If you spoke on reflection,and if I

Approved your speech--if you (to put the thing At lowest)you the soldier,bound to make The king's cause yours and fight for it,and throw Regard to others of its right or wrong,--If with a death-white woman you can help,Let alone sister,let alone a Mildred,You left her--or if I,her cousin,friend This morning,playfellow but yesterday,Who said,or thought at least a thousand times,"I'd serve you if I could,"should now face round And say,"Ah,that's to only signify I'd serve you while you're fit to serve yourself:

So long as fifty eyes await the turn Of yours to forestall its yet half-formed wish,I'll proffer my assistance you'll not need--

  • 汉语诗歌的节奏


    本书系统研究了汉语诗歌的节奏问题,分为上中下三篇。上篇在分析、评价几种汉语诗歌节奏论的基础上,指出汉语诗歌节奏是 “音节—顿歇”节奏,而且这种节奏有其特殊的语音学根据和构成机制。中编论述《诗经》、《楚辞》、五七言诗和词曲的节奏形式(包括节奏单位、句式或行式、节式、体式和节奏调子)的构成规律和特点,着重从音顿节奏的观点探索某些节奏形式的起源等疑难问题。下编在分析和评价具有代表性的现代新诗节奏形式的理论和实践的基础上,论述格律体新诗节奏形式和自由体新诗节奏形式的构成规律和特点,着重论述两种新诗体的建行原则及其根据。中编和下编还论述汉语诗歌韵的独特的节奏作用,以及这种韵与音顿节奏的关系。
  • 银海扬帆:于洋传


  • 恶魔交易所


  • 臭鼬工厂传奇


  • 奥林巴斯之果


    《奥林巴斯之果》是小说家田中英光的代表文学作品,曾获第7回池谷信三郎賞。爱情,友情,与青春——故事讲的是主人公参加洛杉矶奥运会搭上渡洋大船是发生的事情 。小说是根据田中英光自身于1932年参加夏季奥林匹克运动会的独木舟项目的故事所改编。
  • 别回头


  • 中二青年的海贼世界大冒险


  • 剑侠儿女志


  • 母亲的花样年华


  • 受菩提心戒仪

