

I must say a word here about the King's family.He had not been long upon the throne when his brother the Duke of Gloucester,and his sister the PRINCESS OF ORANGE,died within a few months of each other,of small-pox.His remaining sister,the PRINCESS HENRIETTA,married the DUKE OF ORLEANS,the brother of LOUIS THE FOURTEENTH,King of France.His brother JAMES,DUKE OF YORK,was made High Admiral,and by-and-by became a Catholic.He was a gloomy,sullen,bilious sort of man,with a remarkable partiality for the ugliest women in the country.He married,under very discreditable circumstances,ANNE HYDE,the daughter of LORD CLARENDON,then the King's principal Minister-not at all a delicate minister either,but doing much of the dirty work of a very dirty palace.It became important now that the King himself should be married;and divers foreign Monarchs,not very particular about the character of their son-in-law,proposed their daughters to him.The KING OF PORTUGAL offered his daughter,CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA,and fifty thousand pounds:in addition to which,the French King,who was favourable to that match,offered a loan of another fifty thousand.The King of Spain,on the other hand,offered any one out of a dozen of Princesses,and other hopes of gain.But the ready money carried the day,and Catherine came over in state to her merry marriage.

The whole Court was a great flaunting crowd of debauched men and shameless women;and Catherine's merry husband insulted and outraged her in every possible way,until she consented to receive those worthless creatures as her very good friends,and to degrade herself by their companionship.A MRS.PALMER,whom the King made LADY CASTLEMAINE,and afterwards DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND,was one of the most powerful of the bad women about the Court,and had great influence with the King nearly all through his reign.Another merry lady named MOLL DAVIES,a dancer at the theatre,was afterwards her rival.So was NELL GWYN,first an orange girl and then an actress,who really had good in her,and of whom one of the worst things I know is,that actually she does seem to have been fond of the King.The first DUKE OF ST.ALBANS was this orange girl's child.In like manner the son of a merry waiting-lady,whom the King created DUCHESS OF PORTSMOUTH,became the DUKE OF RICHMOND.Upon the whole it is not so bad a thing to be a commoner.

The Merry Monarch was so exceedingly merry among these merry ladies,and some equally merry (and equally infamous)lords and gentlemen,that he soon got through his hundred thousand pounds,and then,by way of raising a little pocket-money,made a merry bargain.He sold Dunkirk to the French King for five millions of livres.When I think of the dignity to which Oliver Cromwell raised England in the eyes of foreign powers,and when I think of the manner in which he gained for England this very Dunkirk,I am much inclined to consider that if the Merry Monarch had been made to follow his father for this action,he would have received his just deserts.

Though he was like his father in none of that father's greater qualities,he was like him in being worthy of no trust.When he sent that letter to the Parliament,from Breda,he did expressly promise that all sincere religious opinions should be respected.

Yet he was no sooner firm in his power than he consented to one of the worst Acts of Parliament ever passed.Under this law,every minister who should not give his solemn assent to the Prayer-Book by a certain day,was declared to be a minister no longer,and to be deprived of his church.The consequence of this was that some two thousand honest men were taken from their congregations,and reduced to dire poverty and distress.It was followed by another outrageous law,called the Conventicle Act,by which any person above the age of sixteen who was present at any religious service not according to the Prayer-Book,was to be imprisoned three months for the first offence,six for the second,and to be transported for the third.This Act alone filled the prisons,which were then most dreadful dungeons,to overflowing.

The Covenanters in Scotland had already fared no better.A base Parliament,usually known as the Drunken Parliament,in consequence of its principal members being seldom sober,had been got together to make laws against the Covenanters,and to force all men to be of one mind in religious matters.The MARQUIS OF ARGYLE,relying on the King's honour,had given himself up to him;but,he was wealthy,and his enemies wanted his wealth.He was tried for treason,on the evidence of some private letters in which he had expressed opinions-as well he might-more favourable to the government of the late Lord Protector than of the present merry and religious King.He was executed,as were two men of mark among the Covenanters;and SHARP,a traitor who had once been the friend of the Presbyterians and betrayed them,was made Archbishop of St.

Andrew's,to teach the Scotch how to like bishops.

Things being in this merry state at home,the Merry Monarch undertook a war with the Dutch;principally because they interfered with an African company,established with the two objects of buying gold-dust and slaves,of which the Duke of York was a leading member.After some preliminary hostilities,the said Duke sailed to the coast of Holland with a fleet of ninety-eight vessels of war,and four fire-ships.This engaged with the Dutch fleet,of no fewer than one hundred and thirteen ships.In the great battle between the two forces,the Dutch lost eighteen ships,four admirals,and seven thousand men.But,the English on shore were in no mood of exultation when they heard the news.

For,this was the year and the time of the Great Plague in London.

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