
第111章 BOOK VIII(15)

And therewith Sir Tristram showed La Beale Isoud,and turned her thrice about with his naked sword in his hand.And when Sir Breunor saw that,he did the same wise turn his lady.But when Sir Breunor beheld La Beale Isoud,him thought he saw never a fairer lady,and then he dread his lady's head should be off.

And so all the people that were there present gave judgment that La Beale Isoud was the fairer lady and the better made.How now,said Sir Tristram,meseemeth it were pity that my lady should lose her head,but because thou and she of long time have used this wicked custom,and by you both have many good knights and ladies been destroyed,for that cause it were no loss to destroy you both.So God me help,said Sir Breunor,for to say the sooth,thy lady is fairer than mine,and that me sore repenteth.

And so I hear the people privily say,for of all women I saw none so fair;and therefore,an thou wilt slay my lady,I doubt not but I shall slay thee and have thy lady.Thou shalt win her,said Sir Tristram,as dear as ever knight won lady.And because of thine own judgment,as thou wouldst have done to my lady if that she had been fouler,and because of the evil custom,give me thy lady,said Sir Tristram.And therewithal Sir Tristram strode unto him and took his lady from him,and with an awk stroke he smote off her head clean.Well,knight,said Sir Breunor,now hast thou done me a despite;now take thine horse:sithen Iam ladyless I will win thy lady an I may.


How Sir Tristram fought with Sir Breunor,and at the last smote off his head.

THEN they took their horses and came together as it had been the thunder;and Sir Tristram smote Sir Breunor clean from his horse,and lightly he rose up;and as Sir Tristram came again by him he thrust his horse throughout both the shoulders,that his horse hurled here and there and fell dead to the ground.And ever Sir Breunor ran after to have slain Sir Tristram,but Sir Tristram was light and nimble,and voided his horse lightly.And or ever Sir Tristram might dress his shield and his sword the other gave him three or four sad strokes.Then they rushed together like two boars,tracing and traversing mightily and wisely as two noble knights.For this Sir Breunor was a proved knight,and had been or then the death of many good knights,that it was pity that he had so long endured.

Thus they fought,hurling here and there nigh two hours,and either were wounded sore.Then at the last Sir Breunor rashed upon Sir Tristram and took him in his arms,for he trusted much in his strength.Then was Sir Tristram called the strongest and the highest knight of the world;for he was called bigger than Sir Launcelot,but Sir Launcelot was better breathed.So anon Sir Tristram thrust Sir Breunor down grovelling,and then he unlaced his helm and struck off his head.And then all they that longed to the castle came to him,and did him homage and fealty,praying him that he would abide there still a little while to fordo that foul custom.Sir Tristram granted thereto.The meanwhile one of the knights of the castle rode unto Sir Galahad,the haut prince,the which was Sir Breunor's son,which was a noble knight,and told him what misadventure his father had and his mother.


How Sir Galahad fought with Sir Tristram,and how Sir Tristram yielded him and promised to fellowship with Launcelot.

THEN came Sir Galahad,and the King with the Hundred Knights with him;and this Sir Galahad proffered to fight with Sir Tristram hand for hand.And so they made them ready to go unto battle on horseback with great courage.Then Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram met together so hard that either bare other down,horse and all,to the earth.And then they avoided their horses as noble knights,and dressed their shields,and drew their swords with ire and rancour,and they lashed together many sad strokes,and one while striking,another while foining,tracing and traversing as noble knights;thus they fought long,near half a day,and either were sore wounded.At the last Sir Tristram waxed light and big,and doubled his strokes,and drove Sir Galahad aback on the one side and on the other,so that he was like to have been slain.

With that came the King with the Hundred Knights,and all that fellowship went fiercely upon Sir Tristram.When Sir Tristram saw them coming upon him,then he wist well he might not endure.

Then as a wise knight of war,he said to Sir Galahad,the haut prince:Sir,ye show to me no knighthood,for to suffer all your men to have ado with me all at once;and as meseemeth ye be a noble knight of your hands it is great shame to you.So God me help,said Sir Galahad,there is none other way but thou must yield thee to me,other else to die,said Sir Galahad to Sir Tristram.I will rather yield me to you than die for that is more for the might of your men than of your hands.And therewithal Sir Tristram took his own sword by the point,and put the pommel in the hand of Sir Galahad.

Therewithal came the King with the Hundred Knights,and hard began to assail Sir Tristram.Let be,said Sir Galahad,be ye not so hardy to touch him,for I have given this knight his life.

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