
第14章 BOOK I(10)

When the King of the Hundred Knights beheld the great damage that King Ban did,he thrust unto him with his horse,and smote him on high upon the helm,a great stroke,and astonied him sore.Then King Ban was wroth with him,and followed on him fiercely;the other saw that,and cast up his shield,and spurred his horse forward,but the stroke of King Ban fell down and carved a cantel off the shield,and the sword slid down by the hauberk behind his back,and cut through the trapping of steel and the horse even in two pieces,that the sword felt the earth.Then the King of the Hundred Knights voided the horse lightly,and with his sword he broached the horse of King Ban through and through.With that King Ban voided lightly from the dead horse,and then King Ban smote at the other so eagerly,and smote him on the helm that he fell to the earth.Also in that ire he felled King Morganore,and there was great slaughter of good knights and much people.

By then came into the press King Arthur,and found King Ban standing among dead men and dead horses,fighting on foot as a wood lion,that there came none nigh him,as far as he might reach with his sword,but he caught a grievous buffet;whereof King Arthur had great pity.And Arthur was so bloody,that by his shield there might no man know him,for all was blood and brains on his sword.And as Arthur looked by him he saw a knight that was passingly well horsed,and therewith Sir Arthur ran to him,and smote him on the helm,that his sword went unto his teeth,and the knight sank down to the earth dead,and anon Arthur took the horse by the rein,and led him unto King Ban,and said,Fair brother,have this horse,for he have great myster thereof,and me repenteth sore of your great damage.It shall be soon revenged,said King Ban,for I trust in God mine ure is not such but some of them may sore repent this.I will well,said Arthur,for I see your deeds full actual;nevertheless,Imight not come at you at that time.

But when King Ban was mounted on horseback,then there began new battle,the which was sore and hard,and passing great slaughter.

And so through great force King Arthur,King Ban,and King Bors made their knights a little to withdraw them.But alway the eleven kings with their chivalry never turned back;and so withdrew them to a little wood,and so over a little river,and there they rested them,for on the night they might have no rest on the field.And then the eleven kings and knights put them on a heap all together,as men adread and out of all comfort.But there was no man might pass them,they held them so hard together both behind and before,that King Arthur had marvel of their deeds of arms,and was passing wroth.Ah,Sir Arthur,said King Ban and King Bors,blame them not,for they do as good men ought to do.For by my faith,said King Ban,they are the best fighting men,and knights of most prowess,that ever I saw or heard speak of,and those eleven kings are men of great worship;and if they were longing unto you there were no king under the heaven had such eleven knights,and of such worship.I may not love them,said Arthur,they would destroy me.That wot we well,said King Ban and King Bors,for they are your mortal enemies,and that hath been proved aforehand;and this day they have done their part,and that is great pity of their wilfulness.

Then all the eleven kings drew them together,and then said King Lot,Lords,ye must other ways than ye do,or else the great loss is behind;ye may see what people we have lost,and what good men we lose,because we wait always on these foot-men,and ever in saving of one of the foot-men we lose ten horsemen for him;therefore this is mine advice,let us put our foot-men from us,for it is near night,for the noble Arthur will not tarry on the footmen,for they may save themselves,the wood is near hand.

And when we horsemen be together,look every each of you kings let make such ordinance that none break upon pain of death.

And who that seeth any man dress him to flee,lightly that he be slain,for it is better that we slay a coward,than through a coward all we to be slain.How say ye?said King Lot,answer me all ye kings.It is well said,quoth King Nentres;so said the King of the Hundred Knights;the same said the King Carados,and King Uriens;so did King Idres and King Brandegoris;and so did King Cradelment,and the Duke of Cambenet;the same said King Clariance and King Agwisance,and sware they would never fail other,neither for life nor for death.And whoso that fled,but did as they did,should be slain.Then they amended their harness,and righted their shields,and took new spears and set them on their thighs,and stood still as it had been a plump of wood.


Yet more of the same battle,and how it was ended by Merlin.

WHEN Sir Arthur and King Ban and Bors beheld them and all their knights,they praised them much for their noble cheer of chivalry,for the hardiest fighters that ever they heard or saw.

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