
第15章 BOOK I(11)

With that,there dressed them a forty noble knights,and said unto the three kings,they would break their battle;these were their names:Lionses,Phariance,Ulfius,Brastias,Ector,Kay,Lucas the butler,Griflet le Fise de Dieu,Mariet de la Roche,Guinas de Bloi,Briant de la Forest Savage,Bellaus,Morians of the Castle [of]Maidens,Flannedrius of the Castle of Ladies,Annecians that was King Bors'godson,a noble knight,Ladinas de la Rouse,Emerause,Caulas,Graciens le Castlein,one Blois de la Case,and Sir Colgrevaunce de Gorre;all these knights rode on afore with spears on their thighs,and spurred their horses mightily as the horses might run.And the eleven kings with part of their knights rushed with their horses as fast as they might with their spears,and there they did on both parties marvellous deeds of arms.So came into the thick of the press,Arthur,Ban,and Bors,and slew down right on both hands,that their horses went in blood up to the fetlocks.But ever the eleven kings and their host was ever in the visage of Arthur.Wherefore Ban and Bors had great marvel,considering the great slaughter that there was,but at the last they were driven aback over a little river.With that came Merlin on a great black horse,and said unto Arthur,Thou hast never done!Hast thou not done enough?of three score thousand this day hast thou left alive but fifteen thousand,and it is time to say Ho!For God is wroth with thee,that thou wilt never have done;for yonder eleven kings at this time will not be overthrown,but an thou tarry on them any longer,thy fortune will turn and they shall increase.

And therefore withdraw you unto your lodging,and rest you as soon as ye may,and reward your good knights with gold and with silver,for they have well deserved it;there may no riches be too dear for them,for of so few men as ye have,there were never men did more of prowess than they have done today,for ye have matched this day with the best fighters of the world.That is truth,said King Ban and Bors.Also said Merlin,withdraw you where ye list,for this three year I dare undertake they shall not dere you;and by then ye shall hear new tidings.And then Merlin said unto Arthur,These eleven kings have more on hand than they are ware of,for the Saracens are landed in their countries,more than forty thousand,that burn and slay,and have laid siege at the castle Wandesborow,and make great destruction;therefore dread you not this three year.Also,sir,all the goods that be gotten at this battle,let it be searched,and when ye have it in your hands,let it be given freely unto these two kings,Ban and Bors,that they may reward their knights withal;and that shall cause strangers to be of better will to do you service at need.Also you be able to reward your own knights of your own goods whensomever it liketh you.It is well said,quoth Arthur,and as thou hast devised,so shall it be done.When it was delivered to Ban and Bors,they gave the goods as freely to their knights as freely as it was given to them.Then Merlin took his leave of Arthur and of the two kings,for to go and see his master Bleise,that dwelt in Northumberland;and so he departed and came to his master,that was passing glad of his coming;and there he told how Arthur and the two kings had sped at the great battle,and how it was ended,and told the names of every king and knight of worship that was there.And so Bleise wrote the battle word by word,as Merlin told him,how it began,and by whom,and in likewise how it was ended,and who had the worse.All the battles that were done in Arthur's days Merlin did his master Bleise do write;also he did do write all the battles that every worthy knight did of Arthur's court.

After this Merlin departed from his master and came to King Arthur,that was in the castle of Bedegraine,that was one of the castles that stand in the forest of Sherwood.And Merlin was so disguised that King Arthur knew him not,for he was all befurred in black sheep-skins,and a great pair of boots,and a bow and arrows,in a russet gown,and brought wild geese in his hand,and it was on the morn after Candlemas day;but King Arthur knew him not.Sir,said Merlin unto the king,will ye give me a gift?

Wherefore,said King Arthur,should I give thee a gift,churl?

Sir,said Merlin,ye were better to give me a gift that is not in your hand than to lose great riches,for here in the same place where the great battle was,is great treasure hid in the earth.

Who told thee so,churl?said Arthur.Merlin told me so,said he.Then Ulfius and Brastias knew him well enough,and smiled.

Sir,said these two knights,it is Merlin that so speaketh unto you.Then King Arthur was greatly abashed,and had marvel of Merlin,and so had King Ban and King Bors,and so they had great disport at him.So in the meanwhile there came a damosel that was an earl's daughter:his name was Sanam,and her name was Lionors,a passing fair damosel;and so she came thither for to do homage,as other lords did after the great battle.And King Arthur set his love greatly upon her,and so did she upon him,and the king had ado with her,and gat on her a child:his name was Borre,that was after a good knight,and of the Table Round.Then there came word that the King Rience of North Wales made great war on King Leodegrance of Cameliard,for the which thing Arthur was wroth,for he loved him well,and hated King Rience,for he was alway against him.So by ordinance of the three kings that were sent home unto Benwick,all they would depart for dread of King Claudas;and Phariance,and Antemes,and Gratian,and Lionses [of]Payarne,with the leaders of those that should keep the kings'lands.


How King Arthur,King Ban,and King Bors rescued King Leodegrance,and other incidents.

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