
第186章 BOOK X(38)

THUS they rode until they were ware of the Castle Lonazep.And then were they ware of four hundred tents and pavilions,and marvellous great ordinance.So God me help,said Sir Tristram,yonder I see the greatest ordinance that ever I saw.Sir,said Palomides,meseemeth that there was as great an ordinance at the Castle of Maidens upon the rock,where ye won the prize,for Isaw myself where ye forjousted thirty knights.Sir,said Dinadan,and in Surluse,at that tournament that Galahalt of the Long Isles made,the which there dured seven days,was as great a gathering as is here,for there were many nations.Who was the best?said Sir Tristram.Sir,it was Sir Launcelot du Lake and the noble knight,Sir Lamorak de Galis,and Sir Launcelot won the degree.Idoubt not,said Sir Tristram,but he won the degree,so he had not been overmatched with many knights;and of the death of Sir Lamorak,said Sir Tristram,it was over great pity,for I dare say he was the cleanest mighted man and the best winded of his age that was alive;for I knew him that he was the biggest knight that ever I met withal,but if it were Sir Launcelot.Alas,said Sir Tristram,full woe is me for his death.And if they were not the cousins of my lord Arthur that slew him,they should die for it,and all those that were consenting to his death.And for such things,said Sir Tristram,I fear to draw unto the court of my lord Arthur;I will that ye wit it,said Sir Tristram unto Gareth.

Sir,I blame you not,said Gareth,for well I understand the vengeance of my brethren Sir Gawaine,Agravaine,Gaheris,and Mordred.But as for me,said Sir Gareth,I meddle not of their matters,therefore there is none of them that loveth me.And for I understand they be murderers of good knights I left their company;and God would I had been by,said Gareth,when the noble knight,Sir Lamorak,was slain.Now as Jesu be my help,said Sir Tristram,it is well said of you,for I had liefer than all the gold betwixt this and Rome I had been there.

Y-wis,[1]said Palomides,and so would I had been there,and yet had I never the degree at no jousts nor tournament thereas he was,but he put me to the worse,or on foot or on horseback;and that day that he was slain he did the most deeds of arms that ever I saw knight do in all my life days.And when him was given the degree by my lord Arthur,Sir Gawaine and his three brethren,Agravaine,Gaheris,and Sir Mordred,set upon Sir Lamorak in a privy place,and there they slew his horse.And so they fought with him on foot more than three hours,both before him and behind him;and Sir Mordred gave him his death wound behind him at his back,and all to-hew him:for one of his squires told me that saw it.Fie upon treason,said Sir Tristram,for it killeth my heart to hear this tale.So it doth mine,said Gareth;brethren as they be mine I shall never love them,nor draw in their fellowship for that deed.

Now speak we of other deeds,said Palomides,and let him be,for his life ye may not get again.That is the more pity,said Dinadan,for Sir Gawaine and his brethren,except you Sir Gareth,hate all the good knights of the Round Table for the most part;for well I wot an they might privily,they hate my lord Sir Launcelot and all his kin,and great privy despite they have at him;and that is my lord Sir Launcelot well ware of,and that causeth him to have the good knights of his kin about him.

[1]"Y-wis''(certainly);Caxton,"ye wis'';W.de Worde,"truly.''


How they came to Humber bank,and how they found a ship there,wherein lay the body of King Hermance.

SIR,said Palomides,let us leave of this matter,and let us see how we shall do at this tournament.By mine advice,said Palomides,let us four hold together against all that will come.Not by my counsel,said Sir Tristram,for Isee by their pavilions there will be four hundred knights,and doubt ye not,said Sir Tristram,but there will be many good knights;and be a man never so valiant nor so big,yet he may be overmatched.And so have I seen knights done many times;and when they weened best to have won worship they lost it,for manhood is not worth but if it be medled with wisdom.And as for me,said Sir Tristram,it may happen I shall keep mine own head as well as another.

So thus they rode until that they came to Humber bank,where they heard a cry and a doleful noise.Then were they ware in the wind where came a rich vessel hilled over with red silk,and the vessel landed fast by them.Therewith Sir Tristram alighted and his knights.

And so Sir Tristram went afore and entered into that vessel.And when he came within he saw a fair bed richly covered,and thereupon lay a dead seemly knight,all armed save the head,was all be-bled with deadly wounds upon him,the which seemed to be a passing good knight.How may this be,said Sir Tristram,that this knight is thus slain?Then Sir Tristram was ware of a letter in the dead knight's hand.Master mariners,said Sir Tristram,what meaneth that letter?Sir,said they,in that letter ye shall hear and know how he was slain,and for what cause,and what was his name.But sir,said the mariners,wit ye well that no man shall take that letter and read it but if he be a good knight,and that he will faithfully promise to revenge his death,else shall there be no knight see that letter open.Wit ye well,said Sir Tristram,that some of us may revenge his death as well as other,and if it be so as ye mariners say his death shall be revenged.And therewith Sir Tristram took the letter out of the knight's hand,and it said thus:

Hermance,king and lord of the Red City,I send unto all knights errant,recommending unto you noble knights of Arthur's court.I beseech them all among them to find one knight that will fight for my sake with two brethren that I brought up of nought,and feloniously and traitorly they have slain me;wherefore I beseech one good knight to revenge my death.And he that revengeth my death I will that he have my Red City and all my castles.

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