
第224章 BOOK XII(7)

So God me help,said Sir Tristram,I am right heavy of your hurts;but this is all,I must pray you to lend me all your whole armour,for ye see I am unarmed,and Imust do battle with this knight.Sir,said the hurt knight,ye shall have it with a good will;but ye must beware,for I warn you that knight is wight.Sir,said Galleron,I pray you tell me your name,and what is that knight's name that hath beaten me.Sir,as for my name it is Sir Tristram de Liones,and as for the knight's name that hath hurt you is Sir Palomides,brother to the good knight Sir Safere,and yet is Sir Palomides unchristened.Alas,said Sir Galleron,that is pity that so good a knight and so noble a man of arms should be unchristened.So God me help,said Sir Tristram,either he shall slay me or Ihim but that he shall be christened or ever we depart in-sunder.My lord Sir Tristram,said Sir Galleron,your renown and worship is well known through many realms,and God save you this day from shenship and shame.

Then Sir Tristram unarmed Galleron,the which was a noble knight,and had done many deeds of arms,and he was a large knight of flesh and bone.And when he was unarmed he stood upon his feet,for he was bruised in the back with a spear;yet so as Sir Galleron might,he armed Sir Tristram.And then Sir Tristram mounted upon his own horse,and in his hand he gat Sir Galleron's spear;and therewithal Sir Palomides was ready.And so they came hurtling together,and either smote other in midst of their shields;and therewithal Sir Palomides'spear brake,and Sir Tristram smote down the horse;and Sir Palomides,as soon as he might,avoided his horse,and dressed his shield,and pulled out his sword.That saw Sir Tristram,and therewithal he alighted and tied his horse till a tree.


How Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides fought long together,and after accorded,and how Sir Tristram made him to be christened.

AND then they came together as two wild boars,lashing together,tracing and traversing as noble men that oft had been well proved in battle;but ever Sir Palomides dread the might of Sir Tristram,and therefore he suffered him to breathe him.Thus they fought more than two hours,but often Sir Tristram smote such strokes at Sir Palomides that he made him to kneel;and Sir Palomides brake and cut away many pieces of Sir Tristram's shield;and then Sir Palomides wounded Sir Tristram,for he was a well fighting man.Then Sir Tristram was wood wroth out of measure,and rushed upon Sir Palomides with such a might that Sir Palomides fell grovelling to the earth;and therewithal he leapt up lightly upon his feet,and then Sir Tristram wounded Palomides sore through the shoulder.

And ever Sir Tristram fought still in like hard,and Sir Palomides failed not,but gave him many sad strokes.

And at the last Sir Tristram doubled his strokes,and by fortune Sir Tristram smote Sir Palomides sword out of his hand,and if Sir Palomides had stooped for his sword he had been slain.

Then Palomides stood still and beheld his sword with a sorrowful heart.How now,said Sir Tristram unto Palomides,now have I thee at advantage as thou haddest me this day;but it shall never be said in no court,nor among good knights,that Sir Tristram shall slay any knight that is weaponless;and therefore take thou thy sword,and let us make an end of this battle.As for to do this battle,said Palomides,I dare right well end it,but I have no great lust to fight no more.And for this cause,said Palomides:mine offence to you is not so great but that we may be friends.All that I have offended is and was for the love of La Beale Isoud.And as for her,I dare say she is peerless above all other ladies,and also I proffered her never no dishonour;and by her I have gotten the most part of my worship.And sithen I offended never as to her own person,and as for the offence that I have done,it was against your own person,and for that offence ye have given me this day many sad strokes,and some I have given you again;and now I dare say I felt never man of your might,nor so well breathed,but if it were Sir Launcelot du Lake;wherefore I require you,my lord,forgive me all that I have offended unto you;and this same day have me to the next church,and first let me be clean confessed,and after see you now that I be truly baptised.And then will we all ride together unto the court of Arthur,that we be there at the high feast.

Now take your horse,said Sir Tristram,and as ye say so it shall be,and all thine evil will God forgive it you,and I do.And here within this mile is the Suffragan of Carlisle that shall give you the sacrament of baptism.

Then they took their horses and Sir Galleron rode with them.And when they came to the Suffragan Sir Tristram told him their desire.Then the Suffragan let fill a great vessel with water,and when he had hallowed it he then confessed clean Sir Palomides,and Sir Tristram and Sir Galleron were his godfathers.And then soon after they departed,riding toward Camelot,where King Arthur and Queen Guenever was,and for the most part all the knights of the Round Table.And so the king and all the court were glad that Sir Palomides was christened.And at the same feast in came Galahad and sat in the Siege Perilous.And so therewithal departed and dissevered all the knights of the Round Table.And Sir Tristram returned again unto Joyous Gard,and Sir Palomides followed the Questing Beast.

(Here endeth the second book of Sir Tristram that was drawn out of French into English.But here is no rehersal of the third book.And here followeth the noble tale of the Sangreal,that called is the Holy Vessel;and the signification of the blessed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ,blessed mote it be,the which was brought into this land by Joseph Aramathie.

Therefore on all sinful souls blessed Lord have thou mercy.

Explicit liber xii.Et incipit Decimustercius.)

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