
第246章 BOOK XVI(2)

Anon Gawaine arose and set his hand to his sword,and cast his shield afore him.But all for naught was it,for the knight had no power to arise against him.Then said Gawaine:Ye must yield you as an overcome man,or else I may slay you.Ah,sir knight,said he,I am but dead,for God's sake and of your gentleness lead me here unto an abbey that I may receive my Creator.Sir,said Gawaine,I know no house of religion hereby.Sir,said the knight,set me on an horse to-fore you,and I shall teach you.Gawaine set him up in the saddle,and he leapt up behind him for to sustain him,and so came to an abbey where they were well received;and anon he was unarmed,and received his Creator.Then he prayed Gawaine to draw out the truncheon of the spear out of his body.Then Gawaine asked him what he was,that knew him not.I am,said he,of King Arthur's court,and was a fellow of the Round Table,and we were brethren sworn together;and now Sir Gawaine,thou hast slain me,and my name is Uwaine les Avoutres,that sometime was son unto King Uriens,and was in the quest of the Sangreal;and now forgive it thee God,for it shall ever be said that the one sworn brother hath slain the other.


How Sir Gawaine and Sir Ector came to an hermitage to be confessed,and how they told to the hermit their advisions.

ALAS,said Gawaine,that ever this misadventure is befallen me.No force,said Uwaine,sith I shall die this death,of a much more worshipfuller man's hand might I not die;but when ye come to the court recommend me unto my lord,King Arthur,and all those that be left alive,and for old brotherhood think on me.Then began Gawaine to weep,and Ector also.And then Uwaine himself and Sir Gawaine drew out the truncheon of the spear,and anon departed the soul from the body.Then Sir Gawaine and Sir Ector buried him as men ought to bury a king's son,and made write upon his name,and by whom he was slain.

Then departed Gawaine and Ector,as heavy as they might for their misadventure,and so rode till that they came to the rough mountain,and there they tied their horses and went on foot to the hermitage.And when they were come up they saw a poor house,and beside the chapel a little courtelage,where Nacien the hermit gathered worts,as he which had tasted none other meat of a great while.And when he saw the errant knights he came toward them and saluted them,and they him again.

Fair lords,said he,what adventure brought you hither?

Sir,said Gawaine,to speak with you for to be confessed.

Sir,said the hermit,I am ready.Then they told him so much that he wist well what they were.And then he thought to counsel them if he might.

Then began Gawaine first and told him of his advision that he had had in the chapel,and Ector told him all as it is afore rehearsed.Sir,said the hermit unto Sir Gawaine,the fair meadow and the rack therein ought to be understood the Round Table,and by the meadow ought to be understood humility and patience,those be the things which be always green and quick;for men may no time overcome humility and patience,therefore was the Round Table founded,and the chivalry hath been at all times so by the fraternity which was there that she might not be overcome;for men said she was founded in patience and in humility.At the rack ate an hundred and fifty bulls;but they ate not in the meadow,for their hearts should be set in humility and patience,and the bulls were proud and black save only three.By the bulls is to understand the fellowship of the Round Table,which for their sin and their wickedness be black.Blackness is to say without good or virtuous works.And the three bulls which were white save only one that was spotted:the two white betoken Sir Galahad and Sir Percivale,for they be maidens clean and without spot;and the third that had a spot signifieth Sir Bors de Ganis,which trespassed but once in his virginity,but sithen he kept himself so well in chastity that all is forgiven him and his misdeeds.And why those three were tied by the necks,they be three knights in virginity and chastity,and there is no pride smitten in them.And the black bulls which said:Go we hence,they were those which at Pentecost at the high feast took upon them to go in the quest of the Sangreal without confession:they might not enter in the meadow of humility and patience.

And therefore they returned into waste countries,that signifieth death,for there shall die many of them:everych of them shall slay other for sin,and they that shall escape shall be so lean that it shall be marvel to see them.

And of the three bulls without spot,the one shall come again,and the other two never.


How the hermit expounded their advision.

THEN spake Nacien unto Ector:Sooth it is that Launcelot and ye came down off one chair:the chair betokeneth mastership and lordship which ye came down from.But ye two knights,said the hermit,ye go to seek that ye shall never find,that is the Sangreal;for it is the secret thing of our Lord Jesu Christ.What is to mean that Sir Launcelot fell down off his horse:he hath left pride and taken him to humility,for he hath cried mercy loud for his sin,and sore repented him,and our Lord hath clothed him in his clothing which is full of knots,that is the hair that he weareth daily.And the ass that he rode upon is a beast of humility,for God would not ride upon no steed,nor upon no palfrey;so in ensample that an ass betokeneth meekness,that thou sawest Sir Launcelot ride on in thy sleep.And the well whereas the water sank from him when he should have taken thereof,and when he saw he might not have it,he returned thither from whence he came,for the well betokeneth the high grace of God,the more men desire it to take it,the more shall be their desire.So when he came nigh the Sangreal,he meeked him that he held him not a man worthy to be so nigh the Holy Vessel,for he had been so defouled in deadly sin by the space of many years;yet when he kneeled to drink of the well,there he saw great providence of the Sangreal.

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