
第276章 BOOK XVIII(9)

And there came a fair child to them,and asked them what they would.Fair son,said Sir Lavaine,go and pray thy lord,the hermit,for God's sake to let in here a knight that is full sore wounded;and this day tell thy lord I saw him do more deeds of arms than ever I heard say that any man did.So the child went in lightly,and then he brought the hermit,the which was a passing good man.When Sir Lavaine saw him he prayed him for God's sake of succour.

What knight is he?said the hermit.Is he of the house of King Arthur,or not?I wot not,said Sir Lavaine,what is he,nor what is his name,but well I wot I saw him do marvellously this day as of deeds of arms.On whose party was he?said the hermit.Sir,said Sir Lavaine,he was this day against King Arthur,and there he won the prize of all the knights of the Round Table.I have seen the day,said the hermit,I would have loved him the worse because he was against my lord,King Arthur,for sometime I was one of the fellowship of the Round Table,but I thank God now I am otherwise disposed.But where is he?let me see him.Then Sir Lavaine brought the hermit to him.


How Launcelot was brought to an hermit for to be healed of his wound,and of other matters.

AND when the hermit beheld him,as he sat leaning upon his saddle-bow ever bleeding piteously,and ever the knight-hermit thought that he should know him,but he could not bring him to knowledge because he was so pale for bleeding.What knight are ye,said the hermit,and where were ye born?My fair lord,said Sir Launcelot,I am a stranger and a knight adventurous,that laboureth throughout many realms for to win worship.

Then the hermit advised him better,and saw by a wound on his cheek that he was Sir Launcelot.Alas,said the hermit,mine own lord why lain you your name from me?Forsooth I ought to know you of right,for ye are the most noblest knight of the world,for well I know you for Sir Launcelot.Sir,said he,sith ye know me,help me an ye may,for God's sake,for I would be out of this pain at once,either to death or to life.Have ye no doubt,said the hermit,ye shall live and fare right well.

And so the hermit called to him two of his servants,and so he and his servants bare him into the hermitage,and lightly unarmed him,and laid him in his bed.And then anon the hermit staunched his blood,and made him to drink good wine,so that Sir Launcelot was well refreshed and knew himself;for in those days it was not the guise of hermits as is nowadays,for there were none hermits in those days but that they had been men of worship and of prowess;and those hermits held great household,and refreshed people that were in distress.

Now turn we unto King Arthur,and leave we Sir Launcelot in the hermitage.So when the kings were come together on both parties,and the great feast should be holden,King Arthur asked the King of Northgalis and their fellowship,where was that knight that bare the red sleeve:Bring him afore me that he may have his laud,and honour,and the prize,as it is right.Then spake Sir Galahad,the haut prince,and the King with the Hundred Knights:We suppose that knight is mischieved,and that he is never like to see you nor none of us all,and that is the greatest pity that ever we wist of any knight.Alas,said Arthur,how may this be,is he so hurt?What is his name?said King Arthur.Truly,said they all,we know not his name,nor from whence he came,nor whither he would.Alas,said the king,this be to me the worst tidings that came to me this seven year,for I would not for all the lands I wield to know and wit it were so that that noble knight were slain.Know ye him?said they all.As for that,said Arthur,whether I know him or know him not,ye shall not know for me what man he is,but Almighty Jesu send me good tidings of him.And so said they all.By my head,said Sir Gawaine,if it so be that the good knight be so sore hurt,it is great damage and pity to all this land,for he is one of the noblest knights that ever I saw in a field handle a spear or a sword;and if he may be found I shall find him,for I am sure he nis not far from this town.Bear you well,said King Arthur,an ye may find him,unless that he be in such a plight that he may not wield himself.

Jesu defend,said Sir Gawaine,but wit I shall what he is,an I may find him.

Right so Sir Gawaine took a squire with him upon hackneys,and rode all about Camelot within six or seven mile,but so he came again and could hear no word of him.Then within two days King Arthur and all the fellowship returned unto London again.And so as they rode by the way it happed Sir Gawaine at Astolat to lodge with Sir Bernard thereas was Sir Launcelot lodged.

And so as Sir Gawaine was in his chamber to repose him Sir Bernard,the old baron,came unto him,and his daughter Elaine,to cheer him and to ask him what tidings,and who did best at that tournament of Winchester.

So God me help,said Sir Gawaine,there were two knights that bare two white shields,but the one of them bare a red sleeve upon his head,and certainly he was one of the best knights that ever I saw joust in field.

For I dare say,said Sir Gawaine,that one knight with the red sleeve smote down forty knights of the Table Round,and his fellow did right well and worshipfully.Now blessed be God,said the Fair Maiden of Astolat,that that knight sped so well,for he is the man in the world that I first loved,and truly he shall be last that ever I shall love.Now,fair maid,said Sir Gawaine,is that good knight your love?Certainly sir,said she,wit ye well he is my love.Then know ye his name?said Sir Gawaine.

Nay truly,said the damosel,I know not his name nor from whence he cometh,but to say that I love him,Ipromise you and God that I love him.How had ye knowledge of him first?said Sir Gawaine.


How Sir Gawaine was lodged with the lord of Astolat,and there had knowledge that it was Sir Launcelot that bare the red sleeve.

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