
第275章 BOOK XVIII(8)

Then the party that was against King Arthur were well comforted,and then they held them together that beforehand were sore rebuked.Then Sir Bors,Sir Ector de Maris,and Sir Lionel called unto them the knights of their blood,as Sir Blamore de Ganis,Sir Bleoberis,Sir Aliduke,Sir Galihud,Sir Galihodin,Sir Bellangere le Beuse.So these nine knights of Sir Launcelot's kin thrust in mightily,for they were all noble knights;and they,of great hate and despite that they had unto him,thought to rebuke that noble knight Sir Launcelot,and Sir Lavaine,for they knew them not;and so they came hurling together,and smote down many knights of Northgalis and of Northumberland.And when Sir Launcelot saw them fare so,he gat a spear in his hand;and there encountered with him all at once Sir Bors,Sir Ector,and Sir Lionel,and all they three smote him at once with their spears.And with force of themself they smote Sir Launcelot's horse to the earth;and by misfortune Sir Bors smote Sir Launcelot through the shield into the side,and the spear brake,and the head left still in his side.

When Sir Lavaine saw his master lie on the ground,he ran to the King of Scots and smote him to the earth;and by great force he took his horse,and brought him to Sir Launcelot,and maugre of them all he made him to mount upon that horse.And then Launcelot gat a spear in his hand,and there he smote Sir Bors,horse and man,to the earth.In the same wise he served Sir Ector and Sir Lionel;and Sir Lavaine smote down Sir Blamore de Ganis.And then Sir Launcelot drew his sword,for he felt himself so sore y-hurt that he weened there to have had his death.And then he smote Sir Bleoberis such a buffet on the helm that he fell down to the earth in a swoon.And in the same wise he served Sir Aliduke and Sir Galihud.And Sir Lavaine smote down Sir Bellangere,that was the son of Alisander le Orphelin.

And by this was Sir Bors horsed,and then he came with Sir Ector and Sir Lionel,and all they three smote with swords upon Sir Launcelot's helmet.And when he felt their buffets and his wound,the which was so grievous,then he thought to do what he might while he might endure.And then he gave Sir Bors such a buffet that he made him bow his head passing low;and therewithal he raced off his helm,and might have slain him;and so pulled him down,and in the same wise he served Sir Ector and Sir Lionel.For as the book saith he might have slain them,but when he saw their visages his heart might not serve him thereto,but left them there.And then afterward he hurled into the thickest press of them all,and did there the marvelloust deeds of arms that ever man saw or heard speak of,and ever Sir Lavaine,the good knight,with him.And there Sir Launcelot with his sword smote down and pulled down,as the French book maketh mention,mo than thirty knights,and the most part were of the Table Round;and Sir Lavaine did full well that day,for he smote down ten knights of the Table Round.


How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine departed out of the field,and in what jeopardy Launcelot was.

MERCY Jesu,said Sir Gawaine to Arthur,I marvel what knight that he is with the red sleeve.Sir,said King Arthur,he will be known or he depart.And then the king blew unto lodging,and the prize was given by heralds unto the knight with the white shield that bare the red sleeve.Then came the King with the Hundred Knights,the King of Northgalis,and the King of Northumberland,and Sir Galahad,the haut prince,and said unto Sir Launcelot:Fair knight,God thee bless,for much have ye done this day for us,therefore we pray you that ye will come with us that ye may receive the honour and the prize as ye have worshipfully deserved it.My fair lords,said Sir Launcelot,wit you well if I have deserved thanks I have sore bought it,and that me repenteth,for I am like never to escape with my life;therefore,fair lords,I pray you that ye will suffer me to depart where me liketh,for I am sore hurt.I take none force of none honour,for I had liefer to repose me than to be lord of all the world.And therewithal he groaned piteously,and rode a great wallop away-ward from them until he came under a wood's side.

And when he saw that he was from the field nigh a mile,that he was sure he might not be seen,then he said with an high voice:O gentle knight,Sir Lavaine,help me that this truncheon were out of my side,for it sticketh so sore that it nigh slayeth me.O mine own lord,said Sir Lavaine,I would fain do that might please you,but Idread me sore an I pull out the truncheon that ye shall be in peril of death.I charge you,said Sir Launcelot,as ye love me,draw it out.And therewithal he descended from his horse,and right so did Sir Lavaine;and forthwithal Sir Lavaine drew the truncheon out of his side,and he gave a great shriek and a marvellous grisly groan,and the blood brast out nigh a pint at once,that at the last he sank down upon his buttocks,and so swooned pale and deadly.Alas,said Sir Lavaine,what shall I do?And then he turned Sir Launcelot into the wind,but so he lay there nigh half an hour as he had been dead.

And so at the last Sir Launcelot cast up his eyes,and said:O Lavaine,help me that I were on my horse,for here is fast by within this two mile a gentle hermit that sometime was a full noble knight and a great lord of possessions.And for great goodness he hath taken him to wilful poverty,and forsaken many lands,and his name is Sir Baudwin of Brittany,and he is a full noble surgeon and a good leech.Now let see,help me up that I were there,for ever my heart giveth me that I shall never die of my cousin-germain's hands.And then with great pain Sir Lavaine halp him upon his horse.And then they rode a great wallop together,and ever Sir Launcelot bled that it ran down to the earth;and so by fortune they came to that hermitage the which was under a wood,and a great cliff on the other side,and a fair water running under it.And then Sir Lavaine beat on the gate with the butt of his spear,and cried fast:Let in for Jesu's sake.

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