
第284章 BOOK XVIII(17)

Then Sir Launcelot hurtled here and there,and raced and pulled off helms,so that at that time there might none sit him a buffet with spear nor with sword;and Sir Gareth did such deeds of arms that all men marvelled what knight he was with the green shield,for he smote down that day and pulled down mo than thirty knights And,as the French book saith,Sir Launcelot marvelled;when he beheld Sir Gareth do such deeds,what knight he might be;and Sir Lavaine pulled down and smote down twenty knights.Also Sir Launcelot knew not Sir Gareth for an Sir Tristram de Liones,outher Sir Lamorak de Galis had been alive,Sir Launcelot would have deemed he had been one of them twain.So ever as Sir Launcelot Sir Gareth,Sir Lavaine fought,and on the one side Sir Bors,Sir Ector de Maris,Sir Lionel,Sir Lamorak de Galis,Sir Bleoberis,Sir Galihud,Sir Galihodin,Sir Pelleas,and with mo other of King Ban's blood fought upon another party,and held the King with the Hundred Knights and the King of Northumberland right strait.


How King Arthur marvelled much of the jousting in the field,and how he rode and found Sir Launcelot.

SO this tournament and this jousts dured long,till it was near night,for the knights of the Round Table relieved ever unto King Arthur;for the king was wroth out of measure that he and his knights might not prevail that day.Then Sir Gawaine said to the king:I marvel where all this day [be]Sir Bors de Ganis and his fellowship of Sir Launcelot's blood,I marvel all this day they be not about you:it is for some cause said Sir Gawaine.By my head,said Sir Kay,Sir Bors is yonder all this day upon the right hand of this field,and there he and his blood do more worshipfully than we do.It may well be,said Sir Gawaine,but I dread me ever of guile;for on pain of my life,said Sir Gawaine,this knight with the red sleeve of gold is himself Sir Launcelot,I see well by his riding and by his great strokes;and the other knight in the same colours is the good young knight,Sir Lavaine.Also that knight with the green shield is my brother,Sir Gareth,and yet he hath disguised himself,for no man shall never make him be against Sir Launcelot,because he made him knight.By my head,said Arthur,nephew,I believe you;therefore tell me now what is your best counsel.

Sir,said Sir Gawaine,ye shall have my counsel:let blow unto lodging,for an he be Sir Launcelot du Lake,and my brother,Sir Gareth,with him,with the help of that good young knight,Sir Lavaine,trust me truly it will be no boot to strive with them but if we should fall ten or twelve upon one knight,and that were no worship,but shame.Ye say truth,said the king;and for to say sooth,said the king,it were shame to us so many as we be to set upon them any more;for wit ye well,said King Arthur,they be three good knights,and namely that knight with the sleeve of gold.

So then they blew unto lodging;but forthwithal King Arthur let send unto the four kings,and to the mighty duke,and prayed them that the knight with the sleeve of gold depart not from them,but that the king may speak with him.Then forthwithal King Arthur alighted and unarmed him,and took a little hackney and rode after Sir Launcelot,for ever he had a spy upon him.And so he found him among the four kings and the duke;and there the king prayed them all unto supper,and they said they would with good will.And when they were unarmed then King Arthur knew Sir Launcelot,Sir Lavaine,and Sir Gareth.Ah,Sir Launcelot,said King Arthur,this day ye have heated me and my knights.

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