
第289章 BOOK XIX(4)

So Sir Launcelot had great cheer with the queen,and then Sir Launcelot made a promise with the queen that the same night Sir Launcelot should come to a window outward toward a garden;and that window was y-barred with iron,and there Sir Launcelot promised to meet her when all folks were asleep.So then came Sir Lavaine driving to the gates,crying:Where is my lord,Sir Launcelot du Lake?Then was he sent for,and when Sir Lavaine saw Sir Launcelot,he said:My lord,I found well how ye were hard bestead,for I have found your horse that was slain with arrows.As for that,said Sir Launcelot,I pray you,Sir Lavaine,speak ye of other matters,and let ye this pass,and we shall right it another time when we best may.


How Sir Launcelot came in the night to the queen and lay with her,and how Sir Meliagrance appeached the queen of treason THEN the knights that were hurt were searched,and soft salves were laid to their wounds;and so it passed on till supper time,and all the cheer that might be made them there was done unto the queen and all her knights.Then when season was,they went unto their chambers,but in no wise the queen would not suffer the wounded knights to be from her,but that they were laid within draughts by her chamber,upon beds and pillows,that she herself might see to them,that they wanted nothing.

So when Sir Launcelot was in his chamber that was assigned unto him,he called unto him Sir Lavaine,and told him that night he must go speak with his lady,Dame Guenever.Sir,said Sir Lavaine,let me go with you an it please you,for I dread me sore of the treason of Sir Meliagrance.Nay,said Sir Launcelot,I thank you,but I will have nobody with me.Then Sir Launcelot took his sword in his hand,and privily went to a place where he had espied a ladder to-forehand,and that he took under his arm,and bare it through the garden,and set it up to the window,and there anon the queen was ready to meet him.And then they made either to other their complaints of many divers things,and then Sir Launcelot wished that he might have come into her.Wit ye well,said the queen,I would as fain as ye,that ye might come in to me.Would ye,madam,said Sir Launcelot,with your heart that I were with you?Yea,truly,said the queen.Now shall I prove my might,said Sir Launcelot,for your love;and then he set his hands upon the bars of iron,and he pulled at them with such a might that he brast them clean out of the stone walls,and therewithal one of the bars of iron cut the brawn of his hands throughout to the bone;and then he leapt into the chamber to the queen.Make ye no noise,said the queen,for my wounded knights lie here fast by me.So,to pass upon this tale,Sir Launcelot went unto bed with the queen,and he took no force of his hurt hand,but took his pleasaunce and his liking until it was in the dawning of the day;and wit ye well he slept not but watched,and when he saw his time that he might tarry no longer he took his leave and departed at the window,and put it together as well as he might again,and so departed unto his own chamber;and there he told Sir Lavaine how he was hurt.Then Sir Lavaine dressed his hand and staunched it,and put upon it a glove,that it should not be espied;and so the queen lay long in her bed until it was nine of the clock.

Then Sir Meliagrance went to the queen's chamber,and found her ladies there ready clothed.Jesu mercy,said Sir Meliagrance,what aileth you,madam,that ye sleep thus long?And right therewithal he opened the curtain for to behold her;and then was he ware where she lay,and all the sheet and pillow was bebled with the blood of Sir Launcelot and of his hurt hand.When Sir Meliagrance espied that blood,then he deemed in her that she was false to the king,and that some of the wounded knights had lain by her all that night.Ah,madam,said Sir Meliagrance,now I have found you a false traitress unto my lord Arthur;for now I prove well it was not for nought that ye laid these wounded knights within the bounds of your chamber;therefore I will call you of treason before my lord,King Arthur.And now I have proved you,madam,with a shameful deed;and that they be all false,or some of them,I will make good,for a wounded knight this night hath lain by you.

That is false,said the queen,and that I will report me unto them all.Then when the ten knights heard Sir Meliagrance's words,they spake all in one voice and said to Sir Meliagrance:Thou sayest falsely,and wrongfully puttest upon us such a deed,and that we will make good any of us;choose which thou list of us when we are whole of our wounds.Ye shall not,said Sir Meliagrance,away with your proud language,for here ye may all see,said Sir Meliagrance,that by the queen this night a wounded knight hath lain.Then were they all ashamed when they saw that blood;and wit you well Sir Meliagrance was passing glad that he had the queen at such an advantage,for he deemed by that to hide his treason.So with this rumour came in Sir Launcelot,and found them all at a great array.


How Sir Launcelot answered for the queen,and waged battle against Sir Meliagrance;and how Sir Launcelot was taken in a trap WHAT array is this?said Sir Launcelot.Then Sir Meliagrance told them what he had found,and showed them the queen's bed.Truly,said Sir Launcelot,ye did not your part nor knightly,to touch a queen's bed while it was drawn,and she lying therein;for I dare say my lord Arthur himself would not have displayed her curtains,she being within her bed,unless that it had pleased him to have lain down by her;and therefore ye have done unworshipfully and shamefully to yourself.I wot not what ye mean,said Sir Meliagrance,but well I am sure there hath one of her wounded knights lain by her this night,and therefore I will prove with my hands that she is a traitress unto my lord Arthur.Beware what ye do,said Launcelot,for an ye say so,an ye will prove it,it will be taken at your hands.

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