
第306章 BOOK XX(12)

And so fareth it by me,said Sir Launcelot,for in this realm I had worship,and by me and mine all the whole Round Table hath been increased more in worship,by me and mine blood,than by any other.And therefore wit thou well,Sir Gawaine,I may live upon my lands as well as any knight that here is.And if ye,most redoubted king,will come upon my lands with Sir Gawaine to war upon me,I must endure you as well as I may.But as to you,Sir Gawaine,if that ye come there,I pray you charge me not with treason nor felony,for an ye do,Imust answer you.Do thou thy best,said Sir Gawaine;therefore hie thee fast that thou were gone,and wit thou well we shall soon come after,and break the strongest castle that thou hast,upon thy head.That shall not need,said Sir Launcelot,for an I were as orgulous set as ye are,wit you well I should meet you in midst of the field.Make thou no more language,said Sir Gawaine,but deliver the queen from thee,and pike thee lightly out of this court.Well,said Sir Launcelot,an I had wist of this short coming,I would have advised me twice or that I had come hither;for an the queen had been so dear to me as ye noise her,I durst have kept her from the fellowship of the best knights under heaven.

And then Sir Launcelot said unto Guenever,in hearing of the king and them all:Madam,now I must depart from you and this noble fellowship for ever;and sithen it is so,I beseech you to pray for me,and say me well;and if ye be hard bestead by any false tongues,lightly my lady send me word,and if any knight's hands may deliver you by battle,I shall deliver you.And therewithal Sir Launcelot kissed the queen;and then he said all openly .Now let see what he be in this place that dare say the queen is not true unto my lord Arthur,let see who will speak an he dare speak.And therewith he brought the queen to the king,and then Sir Launcelot took his leave and departed;and there was neither king,duke,nor earl,baron nor knight,lady nor gentlewoman,but all they wept as people out of their mind,except Sir Gawaine.And when the noble Sir Launcelot took his horse to ride out of Carlisle,there was sobbing and weeping for pure dole of his departing;and so he took his way unto Joyous Gard.And then ever after he called it the Dolorous Gard.And thus departed Sir Launcelot from the court for ever.

And so when he came to Joyous Gard he called his fellowship unto him,and asked them what they would do Then they answered all wholly together with one voice they would as he would do.My fair fellows,said Sir Launcelot,I must depart out of this most noble realm,and now I shall depart it grieveth me sore,for I shall depart with no worship,for a flemed man departed never out of a realm with no worship;and that is my heaviness,for ever I fear after my days that men shall chronicle upon me that I was flemed out of this land;and else,my fair lords,be ye sure,an I had not dread shame,my lady,Queen Guenever,and I should never have departed.

Then spake many noble knights,as Sir Palomides,Sir Safere his brother,and Sir Bellingere le Beuse,and Sir Urre,with Sir Lavaine,with many others:Sir,an ye be so disposed to abide in this land we will never fail you;and if ye list not to abide in this land there nis none of the good knights that here be will fail you,for many causes.One is,all we that be not of your blood shall never be welcome to the court.And sithen it liked us to take a part with you in your distress and heaviness in this realm,wit you well it shall like us as well to go in other countries with you,and there to take such part as ye do.

My fair lords,said Sir Launcelot,I well understand you,and as I can,thank you:and ye shall understand,such livelihood as I am born unto I shall depart with you in this manner of wise;that is for to say,I shall depart all my livelihood and all my lands freely among you,and Imyself will have as little as any of you,for have Isufficient that may long to my person,I will ask none other rich array;and I trust to God to maintain you on my lands as well as ever were maintained any knights.Then spake all the knights at once:He have shame that will leave you;for we all understand in this realm will be now no quiet,but ever strife and debate,now the fellowship of the Round Table is broken;for by the noble fellowship of the Round Table was King Arthur upborne,and by their noblesse the king and all his realm was in quiet and rest,and a great part they said all was because of your noblesse.


How Sir Launcelot passed over the sea,and how he made great lords of the knights that went with him TRULY,said Sir Launcelot,I thank you all of your good saying,howbeit,I wot well,in me was not all the stability of this realm,but in that I might I did my devoir;and well I am sure I knew many rebellions in my days that by me were peaced,and I trow we all shall hear of them in short space,and that me sore repenteth.For ever I dread me,said Sir Launcelot,that Sir Mordred will make trouble,for he is passing envious and applieth him to trouble.So they were accorded to go with Sir Launcelot to his lands;and to make short tale,they trussed,and paid all that would ask them;and wholly an hundred knights departed with Sir Launcelot at once,and made their avows they would never leave him for weal nor for woe.

And so they shipped at Cardiff,and sailed unto Benwick:

some men call it Bayonne,and some men call it Beaune,where the wine of Beaune is.But to say the sooth,Sir Launcelot and his nephews were lords of all France,and of all the lands that longed unto France;he and his kindred rejoiced it all through Sir Launcelot's noble prowess.And then Sir Launcelot stuffed and furnished and garnished all his noble towns and castles.

Then all the people of those lands came to Sir Launcelot on foot and hands.And so when he had stablished all these countries,he shortly called a parliament;and there he crowned Sir Lionel,King of France;and Sir Bors [he]

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