
第44章 BOOK IV(7)

THEN all the people fell down on their knees and cried King Arthur mercy.Mercy shall ye have,said Arthur:here may ye see what adventures befall ofttime of errant knights,how that I have fought with a knight of mine own unto my great damage and his both.But,sirs,because I am sore hurt,and he both,and I had great need of a little rest,ye shall understand the opinion betwixt you two brethren:As to thee,Sir Damas,for whom I have been champion and won the field of this knight,yet will I judge because ye,Sir Damas,are called an orgulous knight,and full of villainy,and not worth of prowess your deeds,therefore I will that ye give unto your brother all the whole manor with the appurtenance,under this form,that Sir Ontzlake hold the manor of you,and yearly to give you a palfrey to ride upon,for that will become you better to ride on than upon a courser.Also Icharge thee,Sir Damas,upon pain of death,that thou never distress no knights errant that ride on their adventure.And also that thou restore these twenty knights that thou hast long kept prisoners,of all their harness,that they be content for;and if any of them come to my court and complain of thee,by my head thou shalt die therefore.Also,Sir Ontzlake,as to you,because ye are named a good knight,and full of prowess,and true and gentle in all your deeds,this shall be your charge I will give you,that in all goodly haste ye come unto me and my court,and ye shall be a knight of mine,and if your deeds be thereafter I shall so prefer you,by the grace of God,that ye shall in short time be in ease for to live as worshipfully as your brother Sir Damas.God thank your largeness of your goodness and of your bounty,I shall be from henceforward at all times at your commandment;for,sir,said Sir Ontzlake,as God would,as Iwas hurt but late with an adventurous knight through both my thighs,that grieved me sore,and else had I done this battle with you.God would,said Arthur,it had been so,for then had not I been hurt as I am.I shall tell you the cause why:for Ihad not been hurt as I am,had it not been mine own sword,that was stolen from me by treason;and this battle was ordained aforehand to have slain me,and so it was brought to the purpose by false treason,and by false enchantment.Alas,said Sir Ontzlake,that is great pity that ever so noble a man as ye are of your deeds and prowess,that any man or woman might find in their hearts to work any treason against you.I shall reward them,said Arthur,in short time,by the grace of God.Now,tell me,said Arthur,how far am I from Camelot?Sir,ye are two days'journey therefrom.I would fain be at some place of worship,said Sir Arthur,that I might rest me.Sir,said Sir Ontzlake,hereby is a rich abbey of your elders'foundation,of nuns,but three miles hence.So the king took his leave of all the people,and mounted upon horseback,and Sir Accolon with him.

And when they were come to the abbey,he let fetch leeches and search his wounds and Accolon's both;but Sir Accolon died within four days,for he had bled so much blood that he might not live,but King Arthur was well recovered.So when Accolon was dead he let send him on an horse-bier with six knights unto Camelot,and said:Bear him to my sister Morgan le Fay,and say that I send her him to a present,and tell her I have my sword Excalibur and the scabbard;so they departed with the body.


How Morgan would have slain Sir Uriens her husband,and how Sir Uwaine her son saved him.

THE meanwhile Morgan le Fay had weened King Arthur had been dead.

So on a day she espied King Uriens lay in his bed sleeping.

Then she called unto her a maiden of her counsel,and said,Go fetch me my lord's sword,for I saw never better time to slay him than now.O madam,said the damosel,an ye slay my lord ye can never escape.Care not you,said Morgan le Fay,for now I see my time in the which it is best to do it,and therefore hie thee fast and fetch me the sword.Then the damosel departed,and found Sir Uwaine sleeping upon a bed in another chamber,so she went unto Sir Uwaine,and awaked him,and bade him,Arise,and wait on my lady your mother,for she will slay the king your father sleeping in his bed,for I go to fetch his sword.Well,said Sir Uwaine,go on your way,and let me deal.Anon the damosel brought Morgan the sword with quaking hands,and she lightly took the sword,and pulled it out,and went boldly unto the bed's side,and awaited how and where she might slay him best.And as she lifted up the sword to smite,Sir Uwaine leapt unto his mother,and caught her by the hand,and said,Ah,fiend,what wilt thou do?An thou wert not my mother,with this sword Ishould smite off thy head.Ah,said Sir Uwaine,men saith that Merlin was begotten of a devil,but I may say an earthly devil bare me.O fair son,Uwaine,have mercy upon me,I was tempted with a devil,wherefore I cry thee mercy;I will never more do so;and save my worship and discover me not.On this covenant,said Sir Uwaine,I will forgive it you,so ye will never be about to do such deeds.Nay,son,said she,and that I make you assurance.


How Queen Morgan le Fay made great sorrow for the death of Accolon,and how she stole away the scabbard from Arthur.

THEN came tidings unto Morgan le Fay that Accolon was dead,and his body brought unto the church,and how King Arthur had his sword again.But when Queen Morgan wist that Accolon was dead,she was so sorrowful that near her heart to-brast.But because she would not it were known,outward she kept her countenance,and made no semblant of sorrow.But well she wist an she abode till her brother Arthur came thither,there should no gold go for her life.

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