
第53章 BOOK IV(16)

But when this lady saw them in this manner so big,she would not suffer Sir Uwaine to go out to them upon no surety nor for no fair language,but she made him speak with them over a tower,but finally these two brethren would not be entreated,and answered that they would keep that they had.Well,said Sir Uwaine,then will I fight with one of you,and prove that ye do this lady wrong.That will we not,said they,for an we do battle,we two will fight with one knight at once,and therefore if ye will fight so,we will be ready at what hour ye will assign.And if ye win us in battle the lady shall have her lands again.Ye say well,said Sir Uwaine,therefore make you ready so that ye be here to-morn in the defence of the lady's right.


How Sir Uwaine fought with two knights and overcame them.

SO was there sikerness made on both parties that no treason should be wrought on neither party;so then the knights departed and made them ready,and that night Sir Uwaine had great cheer.

And on the morn he arose early and heard mass,and brake his fast,and so he rode unto the plain without the gates,where hoved the two brethren abiding him.So they rode together passing sore,that Sir Edward and Sir Hue brake their spears upon Sir Uwaine.And Sir Uwaine smote Sir Edward that he fell over his horse and yet his spear brast not.And then he spurred his horse and came upon Sir Hue and overthrew him,but they soon recovered and dressed their shields and drew their swords and bade Sir Uwaine alight and do his battle to the uttermost.Then Sir Uwaine devoided his horse suddenly,and put his shield afore him and drew his sword,and so they dressed together,and either gave other such strokes,and there these two brethren wounded Sir Uwaine passing grievously that the Lady of the Rock weened he should have died.And thus they fought together five hours as men raged out of reason.And at the last Sir Uwaine smote Sir Edward upon the helm such a stroke that his sword carved unto his canel bone,and then Sir Hue abated his courage,but Sir Uwaine pressed fast to have slain him.That saw Sir Hue:he kneeled down and yielded him to Sir Uwaine.And he of his gentleness received his sword,and took him by the hand,and went into the castle together.Then the Lady of the Rock was passing glad,and the other brother made great sorrow for his brother's death.

Then the lady was restored of all her lands,and Sir Hue was commanded to be at the court of King Arthur at the next feast of Pentecost.So Sir Uwaine dwelt with the lady nigh half a year,for it was long or he might be whole of his great hurts.

And so when it drew nigh the term-day that Sir Gawaine,Sir Marhaus,and Sir Uwaine should meet at the cross-way,then every knight drew him thither to hold his promise that they had made;and Sir Marhaus and Sir Uwaine brought their damosels with them,but Sir Gawaine had lost his damosel,as it is afore rehearsed.


How at the year's end all three knights with their three damosels met at the fountain.

RIGHT so at the twelvemonths'end they met all three knights at the fountain and their damosels,but the damosel that Sir Gawaine had could say but little worship of him so they departed from the damosels and rode through a great forest,and there they met with a messenger that came from King Arthur,that had sought them well-nigh a twelvemonth throughout all England,Wales,and Scotland,and charged if ever he might find Sir Gawaine and Sir Uwaine to bring them to the court again.And then were they all glad,and so prayed they Sir Marhaus to ride with them to the king's court.And so within twelve days they came to Camelot,and the king was passing glad of their coming,and so was all the court.Then the king made them to swear upon a book to tell him all their adventures that had befallen them that twelvemonth,and so they did.And there was Sir Marhaus well known,for there were knights that he had matched aforetime,and he was named one of the best knights living.

Against the feast of Pentecost came the Damosel of the Lake and brought with her Sir Pelleas;and at that high feast there was great jousting of knights,and of all knights that were at that jousts,Sir Pelleas had the prize,and Sir Marhaus was named the next;but Sir Pelleas was so strong there might but few knights sit him a buffet with a spear.And at that next feast Sir Pelleas and Sir Marhaus were made knights of the Table Round,for there were two sieges void,for two knights were slain that twelvemonth,and great joy had King Arthur of Sir Pelleas and of Sir Marhaus.But Pelleas loved never after Sir Gawaine,but as he spared him for the love of King Arthur;but ofttimes at jousts and tournaments Sir Pelleas quit Sir Gawaine,for so it rehearseth in the book of French.So Sir Tristram many days after fought with Sir Marhaus in an island,and there they did a great battle,but at the last Sir Tristram slew him,so Sir Tristram was wounded that unnethe he might recover,and lay at a nunnery half a year.And Sir Pelleas was a worshipful knight,and was one of the four that achieved the Sangreal,and the Damosel of the Lake made by her means that never he had ado with Sir Launcelot de Lake,for where Sir Launcelot was at any jousts or any tournament,she would not suffer him be there that day,but if it were on the side of Sir Launcelot.

Explicit liber quartus.Incipit liber quintus.

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