
第88章 BOOK VII(15)

So leave we Sir Gareth there with Sir Gringamore and his sisters,and turn we unto King Arthur,that at the next feast of Pentecost held his feast;and there came the Green Knight with fifty knights,and yielded them all unto King Arthur.And so there came the Red Knight his brother,and yielded him to King Arthur,and three score knights with him.Also there came the Blue Knight,brother to them,with an hundred knights,and yielded them unto King Arthur;and the Green Knight's name was Pertolepe,and the Red Knight's name was Perimones,and the Blue Knight's name was Sir Persant of Inde.These three brethren told King Arthur how they were overcome by a knight that a damosel had with her,and called him Beaumains.Jesu,said the king,I marvel what knight he is,and of what lineage he is come.He was with me a twelvemonth,and poorly and shamefully he was fostered,and Sir Kay in scorn named him Beaumains.So right as the king stood so talking with these three brethren,there came Sir Launcelot du Lake,and told the king that there was come a goodly lord with six hundred knights with him.

Then the king went out of Carlion,for there was the feast,and there came to him this lord,and saluted the king in a goodly manner.What will ye,said King Arthur,and what is your errand?

Sir,he said,my name is the Red Knight of the Red Launds,but my name is Sir Ironside;and sir,wit ye well,here I am sent to you of a knight that is called Beaumains,for he won me in plain battle hand for hand,and so did never no knight but he,that ever had the better of me this thirty winter;the which commanded to yield me to you at your will.Ye are welcome,said the king,for ye have been long a great foe to me and my court,and now Itrust to God I shall so entreat you that ye shall be my friend.

Sir,both I and these five hundred knights shall always be at your summons to do you service as may lie in our powers.Jesu mercy,said King Arthur,I am much beholden unto that knight that hath put so his body in devoir to worship me and my court.And as to thee,Ironside,that art called the Red Knight of the Red Launds,thou art called a perilous knight;and if thou wilt hold of me I shall worship thee and make thee knight of the Table Round;but then thou must be no more a murderer.Sir,as to that,I have promised unto Sir Beaumains never more to use such customs,for all the shameful customs that I used I did at the request of a lady that I loved;and therefore I must go unto Sir Launcelot,and unto Sir Gawaine,and ask them forgiveness of the evil will I had unto them;for all that I put to death was all only for the love of Sir Launcelot and of Sir Gawaine.They be here now,said the king,afore thee,now may ye say to them what ye will.And then he kneeled down unto Sir Launcelot,and to Sir Gawaine,and prayed them of forgiveness of his enmity that ever he had against them.


How King Arthur pardoned them,and demanded of them where Sir Gareth was.

THEN goodly they said all at once,God forgive you,and we do,and pray you that ye will tell us where we may find Sir Beaumains.Fair lords,said Sir Ironside,I cannot tell you,for it is full hard to find him;for such young knights as he is one,when they be in their adventures be never abiding in no place.

But to say the worship that the Red Knight of the Red Launds,and Sir Persant and his brother said of Beaumains,it was marvel to hear.Well,my fair lords,said King Arthur,wit you well Ishall do you honour for the love of Sir Beaumains,and as soon as ever I meet with him I shall make you all upon one day knights of the Table Round.And as to thee,Sir Persant of Inde,thou hast been ever called a full noble knight,and so have ever been thy three brethren called.But I marvel,said the king,that I hear not of the Black Knight your brother,he was a full noble knight.Sir,said Pertolepe,the Green Knight,Sir Beaumains slew him in a recounter with his spear,his name was Sir Percard.That was great pity,said the king,and so said many knights.For these four brethren were full well known in the court of King Arthur for noble knights,for long time they had holden war against the knights of the Round Table.Then said Pertolepe,the Green Knight,to the king:At a passage of the water of Mortaise there encountered Sir Beaumains with two brethren that ever for the most part kept that passage,and they were two deadly knights,and there he slew the eldest brother in the water,and smote him upon the head such a buffet that he fell down in the water,and there he was drowned,and his name was Sir Gherard le Breusse;and after he slew the other brother upon the land,his name was Sir Arnold le Breusse.


How the Queen of Orkney came to this feast of Pentecost,and Sir Gawaine and his brethren came to ask her blessing.

So then the king and they went to meat,and were served in the best manner.And as they sat at the meat,there came in the Queen of Orkney,with ladies and knights a great number.And then Sir Gawaine,Sir Agravaine,and Gaheris arose,and went to her and saluted her upon their knees,and asked her blessing;for in fifteen year they had not seen her.Then she spake on high to her brother King Arthur:Where have ye done my young son Sir Gareth?He was here amongst you a twelvemonth,and ye made a kitchen knave of him,the which is shame to you all.Alas,where have ye done my dear son that was my joy and bliss?O dear mother,said Sir Gawaine,I knew him not.Nor I,said the king,that now me repenteth,but thanked be God he is proved a worshipful knight as any is now living of his years,and I shall never be glad till I may find him.

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