
第75章 PART II(21)

"Pardon me,"said the widow,"I must speak to you.""These are business hours,madam;I have no time to spare."Without paying the slightest heed to this reply--impenetrable,in the petrifying despair that possessed her,to all that looks,tones,and words could say--Madame Fontaine stood her ground,and obstinately repeated,"I must speak to you."Mrs.Wagner once more refused."All that need be said between us has been said,"she answered."Have you replaced the money?""That is what I want to speak about?"

"Have you replaced the money?"

"Don't drive me mad,Mrs.Wagner!As you hope for mercy yourself,at the hour of your death,show mercy to the miserable woman who implores you to listen to her!Return with me as far as the drawing-room.At this time of day,nobody will disturb us there.Give me five minutes!"Mrs.Wagner looked at her watch.

"I will give you five minutes.And mind,I mean five minutes.Even in trifles,I speak the truth."They returned up the stairs,Mrs.Wagner leading the way.

There were two doors of entrance to the drawing-room--one,which opened from the landing,and a smaller door,situated at the farther end of the corridor.This second entrance communicated with a sort of alcove,in which a piano was placed,and which was only separated by curtains from the spacious room beyond.Mrs.Wagner entered by the main door,and paused,standing near the fire-place.Madame Fontaine,following her,turned aside to the curtains,and looked through.Having assured herself that no person was in the recess,she approached the fire-place,and said her first words.

"You told me just now,madam,that _you_spoke the truth.Does that imply a doubt of the voluntary confession--?""You made no voluntary confession,"Mrs.Wagner interposed."I had positive proof of the theft that you have committed,when I entered your room.I showed you my private account-book,and when you attempted to defend yourself,I pointed to the means of falsifying the figures in the ledger which lay before me in your own dressing-case.What do you mean by talking of a voluntary confession,after that?""You mistake me,madam.I was speaking of the confession of my motives--the motives which,in my dreadful position,forced me to take the money,or to sacrifice the future of my daughter's life.I declare that I have concealed nothing from you.As you are a Christian woman,don't be hard on me!"Mrs.Wagner drew back,and eyed her with an expression of contemptuous surprise.

"Hard on you?"she repeated."Do you know what you are saying?Have you forgotten already how I have consented to degrade myself?Must I once more remind you of _my_position?I am bound to tell Mr.Keller that his money and mine has been stolen;I am bound to tell him that he has taken into his house,and has respected and trusted,a thief.There is my plain duty--and I have consented to trifle with it.Are you lost to all sense of decency?Have you no idea of the shame that an honest woman must feel,when she knows that her unworthy silence makes her--for the time at least--the accomplice of your crime?Do you think it was for your sake--not to be hard on You--that I have consented to this intolerable sacrifice?In the instant when I discovered you I would have sent for Mr.

Keller,but for the sweet girl whose misfortune it is to be your child.

Once for all,have you anything to say which it is absolutely necessary that I should hear?Have you,or have you not,complied with the conditions on which I consented--God help me!--to be what I am?"Her voice faltered.She turned away proudly to compose herself.The look that flashed out at her from the widow's eyes,the suppressed fury struggling to force its way in words through the widow's lips,escaped her notice.It was the first,and last,warning of what was to come--and she missed it.

"I wished to speak to you of your conditions,"Madame Fontaine resumed,after a pause."Your conditions are impossibilities.I entreat you,in Minna's interests--oh!not in mine!--to modify them."The tone in which those words fell from her lips was so unnaturally quiet,that Mrs.Wagner suddenly turned again with a start,and faced her.

"What do you mean by impossibilities?Explain yourself.""You are an honest woman,and I am a thief,"Madame Fontaine answered,with the same ominous composure."How can explanations pass between you and me?Have I not spoken plainly enough already?In my position,I say again,your conditions are impossibilities--especially the first of them."There was something in the bitterly ironical manner which accompanied this reply that was almost insolent.Mrs.Wagner's color began to rise for the first time."Honest conditions are always possible conditions to honest people,"she said.

Perfectly unmoved by the reproof implied in those words,Madame Fontaine persisted in pressing her request."I only ask you to modify your terms,"she explained."Let us understand each other.Do you still insist on my replacing what I have taken,by the morning of the sixth of this month?""I still insist."

"Do you still expect me to resign my position here as director of the household,on the day when Fritz and Minna have become man and wife?""I still expect that."

"Permit me to set the second condition aside for awhile.Suppose I fail to replace the five thousand florins in your reserve fund?""If you fail,I shall do my duty to Mr.Keller,when we divide profits on the sixth of the month.""And you will expose me in this way,knowing that you make the marriage impossible--knowing that you doom my daughter to shame and misery for the rest of her life?""I shall expose you,knowing that I have kept your guilty secret to the last moment--and knowing what I owe to my partner and to myself.You have still four days to spare.Make the most of your time.""I can do absolutely nothing in the time."

"Have you tried?"

The suppressed fury in Madame Fontaine began to get beyond her control.

  • 小室六门


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  • 阿育王经


  • 天谴序列争端


  • 龙纹密盒


  • 中庸注参


  • 不赖


  • 非常道:突破困境的另类法门


    中华民族是一个非常讲究“规矩”的民族,“无规矩不成方圆”更是成了挂在人们嘴边的金科玉律。于是,我们每个人从小接受的最多的教育就是要“说老实话,办老实事”,要“循规蹈矩”。任何不合常规、标新立异的想法和做法都会受到父母、老师、领导的呵斥,朋友、同事的讥笑,认为你是在异想天开、离经叛道,他们会迅速地把你的思想和行为拉回到“规矩”这个冠冕堂皇的“监狱”中来。这样做的结果就是,我们身边充斥的都是一些规规矩矩、不敢越雷池半步的老实人。他们无论在任何时候、做任何事、说任何话,都会严格按照大多数人心目中的既定程序来进行。这样的人多了会有好处吗?我们来看一看。 遇到危险的时候,他们往往惊慌失措;面对难题的时候,他们常常无计可施;言谈辩论的时候,他们总是哑口无言; 谈判博奕的时候,他们处处陷于被动; 商战竞争的时候,他们经常输多赢少;……够了,这样的人、这样的事已经够多了。套用“非著名相声演员”郭德纲的一句口头禅:“时代在发展,社会在进步”,昨天的真理在今天就有可能是谬误。如果一个人的躯体已经进入了信息时代,思维却还停留在遥远的从前,就会像一个没有灵魂的躯壳,怎么能为人处世、经商赚钱呢?所以,要想跟上时代的步伐,头脑就需要不断地更新,不断地去打破那些束缚你的所谓“规矩”。不要总是跟在别人的思想后面。重复别人走过的道路。当然,本书所说的“非常道”,并非是要你去违背国家的法律、社会的公德以及做人的原则,而是要你鼓励自己的头脑产生各种奇思怪想,促使自己从多个不同的角度去思考;是要你敢于经常地离开人群拥挤的常规道路,到那很少有人的小路上去探寻一番。没错,大胆地去试一试吧。也许,当你在“非常道”上勇敢地跨出第一步以后,困扰你许久的问题会迎刃而解,你的人生从此将与众不同。而这个,也正是我们编写此书的最终目的。
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