
第44章 WE GIVE A SIGN(1)

FOR a long while -two hours,I should think -we sat there in silence,for we were too overwhelmed by the recollection of the horrors we had seen to talk.At last,just as we were thinking of turning in -for already there were faint streaks of light in the eastern sky -we heard the sound of steps.Then came the challenge of the sentry who was posted at the kraal gate,which was apparently answered,though not in an audible tone,for the steps came on;and in another second Infadoos had entered the hut,followed by some half a dozen stately looking chiefs.

"My lords,"he said,"I have come,according to my word.My lords and Ignosi,rightful king of the Kukuanas,I have brought with me these men,"pointing to the row of chiefs,"who are great men among us,having each one of them the command of three thousand soldiers,who live but to do their bidding,under the king's.I have told them of what I have seen,and what my ears have heard.Now let them also see the sacred snake around thee,and hear thy story,Ignosi,that they may say whether or no they will make cause with thee against Twala the king."For answer,Ignosi again stripped off his girdle and exhibited the snake tattooed around him.Each chief in turn drew near and examined it by the dim light of the lamp,and without saying a word passed on to the other side.

Then Ignosi resumed his moocha and,addressing them,repeated the history he had detailed in the morning.

"Now ye have heard,chiefs,"said Infadoos,when he had done,"what say ye;will ye stand by this man and help him to his father's throne,or will ye not?The land cries out against Twala,and the blood of the people flows like the waters in spring.Ye have seen tonight.Two other chiefs there were with whom I had it in my mind to speak,and where are they now?The hyenas howl over their corpses.Soon will ye be as they are if ye strike not.Choose,then,my brothers."The eldest of the six men,a short,thick-set warrior,with white hair,stepped forward a pace and answered,"Thy words are true,Infadoos;the land cries out."My own brother is among those who died to-night;but this is a great matter,and the thing is hard to believe.How know we that if we lift our spears it may not be for an impostor?It is a great matter,I say,and none may see the end of it.For of this be sure,blood will flow in rivers before the deed is done;many will still cleave to the king,for men worship the sun that still shines bright in the heavens,and not that which has not risen.These white men from the stars,their magic is great,and Ignosi is under the cover of their wing.If he be indeed the rightful king,let them give us a sign,and let the people have a sign,that all may see.So shall men cleave to us,knowing that the white man's magic is with them.""Ye have the sign of the snake,"I answered.

"My lord,it is not enough.The snake may have been placed there since the man's birth.Show us a sign.We will not move without a sign."The others gave a decided assent,and I turned in perplexity to Sir Henry and Good,and explained the situation.

"I think I have it,"said Good,exultingly;"ask them to give us a moment to think."I did so,and the chiefs withdrew.As soon as they were gone,Good went to the little box in which his medicines were,unlocked it,and took out a note book,in the front of which was an almanac."Now,look here,you fellows,isn't to-morrow the fourth of June?"We had kept a careful note of the days,so were able to answer that it was."Very good;then here we have it `4June,total eclipse of the sun commences at 11.15Greenwich time,visible in these islands,Africa,etc.'There's a sign for you.Tell them that you will darken the sun to-morrow."The idea was a splendid one;indeed,the only fear about it was a fear lest Good's almanac might be incorrect.If we made a false prophecy on such a subject,our prestige would be gone forever,and so would Ignosi's chance of the throne of the Kukuanas.

"Suppose the almanac is wrong?"suggested Sir Henry to Good,who was busily employed in working out something on the fly-leaf of the book.

"I don't see any reason to suppose anything of the sort,"was his answer."Eclipses always come up to time;at least,that is my experience of them,and it especially states that it will be visible in Africa.Ihave worked out the reckonings as well as I can without knowing our exact position;and I make out that the eclipse should begin here about one o'clock to-morrow,and last till half-past two.For half an hour or more there should be total darkness.""Well,"said Sir Henry,"I suppose we had better risk it."I acquiesced,though doubtfully,for eclipses are queer cattle to deal with,and sent Umbopa to summon the chiefs back.Presently they came,and I addressed them thus:

"Great men of the Kukuanas,and thou,Infadoos,listen.We are not fond of showing our powers,since to do so is to interfere with the course of nature,and plunge the world into fear and confusion;but as this matter is a great one,and as we are angered against the king because of the slaughter we have seen,and because of the act of the Isanusi Gagool,who would have put our friend Ignosi to death,we have determined to do so,and to give such a sign as all men may see.Come thither,"and I led them to the door of the hut and pointed to the fiery ball of the rising sun;"what see ye there?""We see the rising sun,"answered the spokesman of the party.

"It is so.Now tell me,can any mortal man put out that sun,so that night comes down on the land at midday?"The chief laughed a little."No,my lord,that no man can do.



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    The Taming of the Shrew

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    A Charmed Life

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    这是全球首位独立完成14座8000米雪山行走拍摄的摄影家的孤独逐梦之旅。 从喜马拉雅到喀喇昆仑,1个人,10年,10万公里自费攀援独走。 以绝无仅有的百幅珍贵照片,和不曾为外人道的绝境生命体验, 讲述一个人的十年雪山故事。
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  • 佛法金汤编


  • 二十几岁要懂得的办事技巧


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  • 辣妹娃娃的异世之旅


  • 马云:我的世界永不言败


  • 做得多不如做得对


    优秀不在于你做了多少事,而在于你做对了多少事。 本书对盲目求多的职场现象进行了深刻的剖析。清晰的思路帮你看清那些混乱的、低效率的忙碌认识误区,让你走出盲目求多的阴影,并给出在做对的前提下采取措施才能出结果、出业绩。
  • 入骨暖婚:甜宠萌妻365式

