你见过哈佛凌晨4点的图书馆吗?每当节日到来,你是否盼望收到一份特别的礼物?有的礼物精致华丽,可以装饰你的房间;有的礼物实用,可以方便你的生活;有的礼物稀奇少见,可以开阔你的眼界;有的礼物看似普通,其中却包含了对方满满的心意,可以成为你美好的回忆。今天虽然不是什么特别的节日,我们也要送你一份特别的礼物。Berlin Diary
A radio broadcaster and journalist for Edward R. Murrow at CBS, William Shirer was new to the world of broadcast journalism when he began keeping a diary while in Europe during the 1930s. It was in 1940, still a virtual unknown, that Shirer wondered whether his reminiscences of the collapse of the world around Nazi Germany could be of any interest or value as a book.