(搞笑+脑洞+反套路文)外星妖艳贱货扑了地星大总裁,从此过上没羞没臊的日子?唐夕夕告诉你,童话很美好,现实很骨感。第一次她是尾随痴汉,跟踪到一半,挂了!于是,她重生再来,步步为营,小心算计,刚表白完,她又挂了!于于是,她继续重生,可是过马路被车撞死是什么鬼?唐夕夕:“骁哥,咱能管好这张乌鸦嘴吗?”叶骁:“……”没遇上叶骁之前,唐夕夕是高管局女流氓,天不怕地不怕。遇到叶骁之后,她是地星精分影后,每天的目标就是睡叶骁。可是真正睡到之后,双腿发软,她又想求饶。唐夕夕:“骁哥,休战可以吗?”叶骁清冷的眸子微微一眯:“大战三百回合,还不够!”唐夕夕:“!!!!”晋商镖局镖行义行天下 山西岁时节日与人生礼仪
保镖是对社会富有者、权势者的一种保护行为。晋商发达必然要产生镖局镖行。岁时节日庆祝与人生礼仪襄赞是民俗文化的重要组成部分,它是人们在长期的生活中积累形成的一种非制度化的经验,是一定人群约定俗成的地域文化体现。The Chronicles of Faerie
Dana Faolan, the spunky half-faerie heroine of The Light-Bearer's Daughter, the third book in The Chronicles, has been using her access to the land of Faerie to escape the troubles of being a teenager in a new town. But a dark, mysterious enemy is determined to sever the two worlds forever, thus dooming both. It will take all of Dana's bravery and resourcefulness, plus the help of friends old and new, to save her two homes, especially when it becomes clear that the answer lies in an act of terrible sacrifice. Just as the previous books explored Ireland's rich folkloric history, The Book of Dreams delves into the magical lore of Canada. Melling delivers another "compelling blend of mythology and geography" (School Library Journal, starred review) that will thrill fans of the series.