叫葛兰英时,她只是一名乡间妇女;叫葛健豪时,她立志做一名献身教育、改造社会的健将和英豪。她和秋瑾、唐群英号称潇湘“三女杰”,一生的心愿是通过教育解放妇女。她高龄上学,老龄留学,先后创办“湘乡县立第二女子职业学校”和“平民女子职业学校”,时人称她是“惊人的妇人”。她以坚定的行动和不屈的精神养育和支持了五个革命儿女——蔡和森、蔡畅、蔡麓仙、向警予、李富春,其中四个是中共中央委员,三个为革命牺牲。有人称她是“革命的母亲”。她见证了新民学会的成立,见证了中国共产党从成立到遭遇白色恐怖的过程。Hunger and Thirst
Hunger and Thirst is Richard Matheson's first and until now previously unpublished novel, written fifty-plus years ago when Matheson was only twenty-three-years old. Matheson's agent told him it was unpublishable due to its length and so to that end, Matheson put the manuscript in a drawer and left for California where his writing career changed dramatically. The action in Hunger and Thirst centers around Erick, who lies paralyzed on his bed after being shot during a botched bank robbery. As he lies there, Erick contemplates the mess that his life has become and holds out hope to be saved.