牛从来没有自己的目标,他只知道做别人现在让他做的事,他不知道为什么要这些事,做这些事的结果是什么,他更不知道自己以后要做什么。如果你问他:“你为什么而活?”,他就会迷惘地看着你。这本书正是要告诉你,设定明确的目标,是所有成就的出发点。那些98%的人之所以失败,就在于他们都没有设定明确的目标,并且也从来没有踏出他们的第一步。Who Goes There?
A distant, remote scientific expedition taking place at the North Pole is invaded by a space alien who has reawakened after lying dormant for centuries after a crash landing. A cunning, intelligent alien who can shape-shift, thereby assuming the personality and form of anything and anyone it destroys. Soon, it is among the men of the expedition, killing each in turn and replacing them by assuming their shape, lulling the scientists one by one into inattention (and trust) and eventually, their destruction. The shape-shifting, transformed alien can pass every effort at detection, and the expedition seems doomed until the scientists discover the secret vulnerability of the alien and are able to destroy it.