Evita, First Lady
Eva Peron was a star and a legend during her lifetime, one of the most alluring women of the twentieth century. Through the hit Broadway musical Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber, her story became famous, and with the release of the film starring Madonna as Eva Peron, her life became a media obsession once again. Whore and feminist, tyrant and saint, Evita was the beautiful and legendary woman who rose up from poverty to become the hypnotically powerful first lady of Argentina. To millions of poor people she was a savior; to her enemies she was a monstrous dictator. In this riveting biography, John Barnes explores the astonishing paradox of this champion of the poor who attacked the rich and, in the process, made herself the wealthiest woman in the world.此情可待成追忆:季羡林的清华缘与北大情
本书是季羡林先生关于在清华读书和在北大工作的回忆性文章精选集,还包括季老在清华读书期间的《清华园日记》选编和初入北大执教期间的《北大红楼日记》选编。写作….时间跨越七十余年。 全书分为四辑。第一辑:“季羡林忆清华”;第二辑:“季羡林清华园日记选”;第三辑:“季羡林评北大”;第四辑:“季羡林北大红楼日记选”。