《绿绿的吉祥三宝:大嗓门女侠》讲述:“叨叨”是绿绿老师给他的另一个宝贝学生起的外号。 这位叨叨小姑娘,可了不得:饭量超级大;直爽、火暴,爱打抱不平,有时候会和男生打架,被小男生称为“野蛮女友”;一直坚持学柔道,有一天竟然穿着雪白的柔道服去上学;什么都喜欢捡回家,收养了无数的小动物。她和绿绿之间的故事更是又多又精彩:她竟然叫绿绿老师“师叔”,还带着绿绿一起“冒险”,她每天都要掐绿绿老师一下……就是这样一个女孩儿,绿绿却对她说,她一定会长成像玫瑰花一样芳香的女孩儿。因为,在她“野蛮”的外表下,有一颗温柔善良、如月亮般的心哪!甜妻蜜爱:大神,宠上天!
她,二十一世纪的天才外科医生,带着医学芯片穿越成冷宫长大的嫡公主。再次睁眼,再也不见之前的胆小柔弱,目光冷酷,摄人心魂。他,出身高贵,俊美无双,传言身患隐疾,腹黑又无赖。一纸婚约将两人绑在一起,奈何美人心太硬,为抱得美人归,某王爷放下身段开启了坑蒙拐骗模式。被坑无数次之后,她怒道,“滚。”王爷一把抱着她倒在床上,没羞没躁的表示:“一起滚。”The Phantom Limb
Isaac is the new kid in town. His mother, Vera, is in the hospital with a mysterious illness, and the only person left to care for Isaac is his distant grandfather. Friendless and often alone, Isaac loses himself in his collection of optical illusions, including a strange mirror box that he finds in his new house, left behind by the previous tenants. Designed for amputees, it creates the illusion of a second limb. Lonely Isaac wishes someone would reach out to him, and then someone does—a phantom limb within the mirror box! It signs to Isaac about a growing danger: someone who has murdered before and is out to get Vera next. The only way Isaac can solve the mystery and save his mother is with the help of the mirror box. But can he trust the phantom limb?