孕中晚期是最适合实施胎教的时段,《你不可不知的精华胎教100天》特别为你们一家三口准备了一份100天的胎教计划书,只要STEP BY STEP,不但会让宝宝在和爸爸妈妈的爱心互动中长得更好,聪明的宝宝还能帮助妈妈顺利分娩呢!我从不感谢伤害过我的人
这本书里有两种武器,对应着两种人性力量:戒骄和勇气。《离别钩》中,狄青麟冷血无情,刀法无双,不把捕快杨峥放在眼里。但杨峥手中只为相聚而重出江湖的离别钩,会让狄青麟的骄傲付出代价。《霸王枪》中,一位只手遮天的神秘人物犯下累累财案命案,但他的势力之大、能力之强吓退所有英雄。唯有聪明的丁喜携“神拳小诸葛”邓定侯和“霸王枪”王小姐,凭三人之勇,做到了所有人认为绝对做不到的事。Burial at Thebes
Commissioned to mark the centenary of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 2004, The Burial at Thebes is Seamus Heaney's new verse translation of Sophocles' great tragedy, Antigone - whose eponymous heroine is one of the most sharply individualized and compelling figures in Western drama. Faithful to the 'local row' and to the fierce specificity of the play's time and place, The Burial at Thebes honours the separate and irreconcilable claims of its opposed voices, as they enact the ancient but perennial conflict between family and state in a time of crisis, pitching the morality of private allegiance against that of public service. Above all, The Burial at Thebes honours the sovereign urgency and grandeur of the Antigone, in which language speaks truth to power, then and now.