本书以卡耐基的经典口才著作《语言的艺术》《演讲与口才》为蓝本,同时综合了卡耐基历年在演讲活动和口才培训课中的内容,体系明晰,完整、全面、系统地展现了卡耐基口才课的精髓。书中倾囊相授卡耐基口才训练与当众讲话的秘籍,帮助你突破语言与心理的双重障碍,克服封闭式的人性弱点,练就更为出色的口才,改善与外界的沟通能力, 在人际关系中脱颖而出,在爱情婚姻中如鱼得水,在事业工作中游刃有余。倾城难逃:夫君来收妖
睁开眼,就看到了现场版,还是限制级的。口水滴答答的流,那个高高端坐在上,好看的像个妖孽的男人是谁?还有那个拿着皮鞭训练他的教官虽然很冷却也蛮俊俏的,当然了那个一起长大的小竹马也漂亮的不像人……不再自怨自怜,扒拉着小手指心里揣着小得意:其实,其实穿越还蛮不错的,嘿嘿。【情节虚构,请勿模仿】Milestones of Flight
Milestones of Flight takes readers soaring through the high points of American aviation: from the Wright brothers and their competitors to the military pilots who first circumnavigated the globe, from the initial space rocket to the moon walk, from the earliest manmade satellite to today's spy drones. The book also describes what inventions—such as rocket propulsion, the wind tunnel, and the silicon chip—helped move flight upward and beyond. Profusely illustrated with objects from the Smithsonian's collection, Milestones of Flight provides an inspiring look at America's contributions to aviation. The book includes a bibliography, author's note, and index.