做女人难,做个知性淡定的女人更难,就象做其他事情一样,难就难在不得要领,一旦要领掌握了,难事则会变成易事。女性朋友们,不要再彷徨犹豫了,不论你的起点是什么样子,只要你灵活变通地运用这些方法,你的生活一定会与从前大相径庭,这其中的秘诀又足以让每个女人的梦想成为现实。做个内心强大、知性淡定的女人也是如此,掌握了方法和途径离成功就不远了。Opened Ground
This volume is a much-needed new selection of Seamus Heaney's work, taking account of recent volumes and of the author's work as a translator, and offering a more generous choice from previous volumes. Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996 comes as close to being a 'Collected Poems' as its author cares to make it. It replaces his New Selected Poems 1966-1987, giving a fuller selection from each of the volumes represented there and adding large parts of those that have appeared since, together with examples of his work as a translator from the Greek, Latin, Italian and other languages. The book concludes with 'Crediting Poetry', the speech with which Seamus Heaney accepted the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to him, in the words of the Swedish Academy of Letters, for his 'works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth'.角色论:个人与社会的互动